What are you doing at this moment?

I ended up going to a party full of people I didn't know, in a very rich part of town. It was pretty gay seeing as the ONLY person that I knew, lost his wallet and didnt want to drive up, so I the only person I had to talk to was his GF who I've met about 3 times before.

Thank god for vodka. Social Lubricant.
4months, is not an anniversary. Then technically, every you can say "oh, that dick forgot out 124th day anniversary".

It's not like I'm hysterically depressed that he forgot, I neither count how many days we've been together, I just think it's nice and sweet to like, see how many months we've been together. Like "oh cool, we've been a couple for 4 months already : )" You got me? And I just thought it would be nice to get an sms from him or something...
^ my boyfriend even forgets his own birthday ... :lol:

Me too :lol:I almost forgot my 18th birthday.
We forgot our anniversary,i was too busy with preparation for University,he was too busy with exams and a job.I honestly dont find all those dates very important.