What are you doing at this moment?

I've never hung out with lesbians before.
What were they like?

Haha they're quite amazing! I was primarily hanging out with 2 couples both of whom I've known for a while now so really it was just like hanging out with any of my other friends with girlfriends/boyfriends except they're both INCREDIBLY cute together!
I've been outside for quite a lot of time and there was ice everywhere. I have to go pretty much out of town each Wednesday to a place where there aren't any lights or actual roads, so today was quite an adventure 'cause of the weather, walking around with a flashlight and all. :lol:

Also, I read something about lesbians and now I kinda feel threatened by a girl who keeps calling and texting me since before Christmas, though I hardly know her. She's freaking me out a bit, 'cause whenever I talk to her on the phone, she ends up talking for like one hour square, while I'm shutting up, which I dislike. I didn't pick up the phone when she called me today cause I was at classes and afterwards she sent me an sms which sounded something like "Please get a little bit of time for me too, I have a surprise for you". I don't wanna know. :erk: And I didn't reply the sms either, which I feel a bit guilty for. Also, of course she's not a lesbian, but I'm still equally troubled. :erk:
I've been outside for quite a lot of time and there was ice everywhere. I have to go pretty much out of town each Wednesday to a place where there aren't any lights or actual roads, so today was quite an adventure 'cause of the weather, walking around with a flashlight and all. :lol:

Also, I read something about lesbians and now I kinda feel threatened by a girl who keeps calling and texting me since before Christmas, though I hardly know her. She's freaking me out a bit, 'cause whenever I talk to her on the phone, she ends up talking for like one hour square, while I'm shutting up, which I dislike. I didn't pick up the phone when she called me today cause I was at classes and afterwards she sent me an sms which sounded something like "Please get a little bit of time for me too, I have a surprise for you". I don't wanna know. :erk: And I didn't reply the sms either, which I feel a bit guilty for. Also, of course she's not a lesbian, but I'm still equally troubled. :erk:

Sounds freaky :S
Also, I read something about lesbians and now I kinda feel threatened by a girl who keeps calling and texting me since before Christmas, though I hardly know her. She's freaking me out a bit, 'cause whenever I talk to her on the phone, she ends up talking for like one hour square, while I'm shutting up, which I dislike. I didn't pick up the phone when she called me today cause I was at classes and afterwards she sent me an sms which sounded something like "Please get a little bit of time for me too, I have a surprise for you". I don't wanna know. :erk: And I didn't reply the sms either, which I feel a bit guilty for. Also, of course she's not a lesbian, but I'm still equally troubled. :erk:

1) call her back
2) arrange a meeting
3) take pics
I'm trying to find something to do, because I'm fucking bored! I listened to my new Warmen cd's which came in the mail and I should really clean my room and do dishes and stuff.. BUT I JUST DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!!

I'm just too bored to do anything.. I think I'm just going to get drunk tonight and hope for some more energy tomorrow...
Sounds freaky :S
It's not actually freaky in itself, but the fact I gotta adopt a certain attitude is what makes me go ergh-ie. I mean, I can't avoid her phone calls forever, 'cause she gets pretty ironical when I actually have to talk to her and she definitely knows what's going on, but I can't keep on listen to her ramble on the phone while I should do other stuff, like waste my life on the interwebz. :lol: But you see my point. Dunno how to tell her to chill down and stop considering me such a great friend, 'cause I don't even know her.

3) take pics
4) never post them.
It's not actually freaky in itself, but the fact I gotta adopt a certain attitude is what makes me go ergh-ie. I mean, I can't avoid her phone calls forever, 'cause she gets pretty ironical when I actually have to talk to her and she definitely knows what's going on, but I can't keep on listen to her ramble on the phone while I should do other stuff, like waste my life on the interwebz. :lol: But you see my point. Dunno how to tell her to chill down and stop considering me such a great friend, 'cause I don't even know her.

Just try to begin avoiding her gradually, as if to let the relationship die naturally. If its over a long period of time she's less likely to notice and be even more clingy.
@Sonia: Well yeah, thing is, there's NO relationship. I've only talked to her like three times in my life and we've spent two hours or so together, in total. So I shouldn't even feel worried cause of that, but whatever, I'm the worrying kind. :lol: Thanks for the advice though. :)
It's not actually freaky in itself, but the fact I gotta adopt a certain attitude is what makes me go ergh-ie. I mean, I can't avoid her phone calls forever, 'cause she gets pretty ironical when I actually have to talk to her and she definitely knows what's going on, but I can't keep on listen to her ramble on the phone while I should do other stuff, like waste my life on the interwebz. :lol: But you see my point. Dunno how to tell her to chill down and stop considering me such a great friend, 'cause I don't even know her.

gosh just tell her what you tell us?

seriously, where's the problem with sending her some not-so-nice sms which says that you're not willing to spend some time with her in the future (and maybe you make up some stupid reason ,too) and she wont annoy you anymore.
^ Easier said than done, actually, because she hasn't actually done anything except of calling me on the phone, it's not like she showed up in front of my house or anything, so I can't send her a "fuck off" kinda message, which would seem overly dramatic I suppose.
Anyway, I think there's practically nothing that would be indicated to do at the moment, she keeps calling, I keep ignoring, and whenever I don't, keeping an "uhum" kinda attitude and that's it. :lol:

Also, to get back on topic, I'm having an orange and some tea.
Thinking about to attach a razorblade to my mousetrap, and it would work like a guillotine!

I have something like this is mind, what do you think? just thinking about how to attach it properly.

Just had an hour long philosophical conversation with a friend about "The Stranger" (great book btw). My geeky-ness never ceases to amaze me.
Thinking about to attach a razorblade to my mousetrap, and it would work like a guillotine!

I have something like this is mind, what do you think? just thinking about how to attach it properly.


I'm thinking that's a ridiculously bad idea because, if it worked, you would have a serious mess to clean up.