What are you doing at this moment?

and how do you plan on attaching this in a way where its support wont break upon impact and just slightly dent the mouse?
How about you take up a fucking hobby instead of spending your shit life thinking up ways to torture animals?

And try cleaning your fucking house asshole, maybe you won't have a pest infestation. If you need to get rid of mice, try something more effective and humane like poison. Jesus Christ. And aren't you like 30? You spend your days thinking some dumb childish shit like HURR DURR MOUSE GUILLOTINE... read Muffin's post because that is exactly what would happen and any idiot would common sense would realize that. If you wanna mutilate some small defenseless creatures at least have the balls and do it by hand.

10/10 would rage again.
I was waiting for someone to come in with the animal harm argument :lol: I didn't bother myself as we've already had a whaling shitstorm this week.
Well, was just some thoughts. And I do have a life, just because you spend your time to complain about others.

And we do only have mice at the attic. And second of all, what is really humane, and why do you acually care? Go hug your fuckin' wales and feed your panda, idiot.

Serious or not.
Talking about mice, once we had this huge, fatass RAT lurking around my flat, cause it had somehow gotten inside some pipeline and decided to get into people's homes as well, which he managed. We didn't have the guts to try and catch him, we just seriously secured the wall he had managed to make a hole in, and after a couple of nights or so, the neighbour who lives in the flat above ours told us his dog ate the rat. Eughh.
Which surprised me most was actually the fact it managed to crunch everyone's walls so silently and effectively. Superrat. :lol:
^ Easier said than done, actually, because she hasn't actually done anything except of calling me on the phone, it's not like she showed up in front of my house or anything, so I can't send her a "fuck off" kinda message, which would seem overly dramatic I suppose.
Anyway, I think there's practically nothing that would be indicated to do at the moment, she keeps calling, I keep ignoring, and whenever I don't, keeping an "uhum" kinda attitude and that's it. :lol:

Also, to get back on topic, I'm having an orange and some tea.

:lol: why are you dramaring here anyway if it's not that bad?
I know it's shit but sometimes you can just say..
I'm here waiting for my lunch, but don't know if I'll eat it, I'm not that hungry.

And I just remembered I had a dream last night in which my hair was short till just past my chin but I had it even shorter, like 9 years ago, so it doesn't feel awkward to see myself that way... I should go cut my hair in these days though, for it is too long, and I might do it like I dreamt last night...
:lol: why are you dramaring here anyway if it's not that bad?
I know it's shit but sometimes you can just say..
:lol: :lol:
I hadn't initially read which post of mine you had quoted and I went :err: thinking that was directed to the rat one :lol:
But yeah, I did overreact on that quite a bit but we're in the "What are you doing at this moment" thread and instead of telling which websites I'm browsing and who I'm chatting with, I thought there was nothing wrong in getting a bit whiny. :p :lol: