What are you doing at this moment?

I am thinking that I never used drugs or stuff like that, never drank much, never lived a... well, never lived that kind of life... but since long I keep experiencing weird things, and some are visual hallucinations, like about insects and stuff of that nature.
I can say I've been really tired for so long, I worked so hard and never tried to stop getting my aims to the point I ignored what by body and mind told me, their signals... and maybe that's why I'm now paying for it all? I do not know.
But for much more than those things I said, I suspect to have some kind of a neurologic disorder.
Anyway, I am considering to see a doctor. Don't want to be a burden to anyone around me.
@Eli: Oh god, I'm really sorry to hear that! From the sound of it, I think you've overworked for real, and by the things written in your PM too. And maybe and even probably, it's just exhaustion and being all worn out, but take care of yourself, ok? And visiting the doctor should represent a step in order for you to see if there's anything wrong and, in the good case, to feel relief at finding out it's all temporary and because of external factors, and not something you do in order to prevent "being a burden" to other people. I know this sounds very Oprah, but the most important person in your life is you, and I wish you'd think of yourself not as something that might bring difficulties to others, but a bringer of joy. And treat yourself accordingly. :) So, I'm crossing my fingers it's nothing important and it will go away in no time!
I think you need a vacation. Come to America.
Hey Nick,
yeah, I think I need one... still, can't have it now. Sigh.
Oh and I do want to come to America, I have many relatives there as well!! :)

@Eli: Oh god, I'm really sorry to hear that! From the sound of it, I think you've overworked for real, and by the things written in your PM too. And maybe and even probably, it's just exhaustion and being all worn out, but take care of yourself, ok? And visiting the doctor should represent a step in order for you to see if there's anything wrong and, in the good case, to feel relief at finding out it's all temporary and because of external factors, and not something you do in order to prevent "being a burden" to other people. I know this sounds very Oprah, but the most important person in your life is you, and I wish you'd think of yourself not as something that might bring difficulties to others, but a bringer of joy. And treat yourself accordingly. :) So, I'm crossing my fingers it's nothing important and it will go away in no time!
Thanks a lot again for your helpful words, Elmas.
I do agree on what you said, I've always thought the same: at the moment, the most important person in my life must be me... because if I am not fine, I can't be fine with other people around me... and that would make me unhappy but not only me, they'd suffer too, and I'd never want that!
I hope everything will get better soon, like you say. :)

Well health is most important so get yourself checked out. But on the brightside, you're getting to experience for free what others pay a lot of money for :loco:
I will, I will!
And lolz at the last part of your comment... :lol: :)
Watching/listening to my recent purchase


Good old times when Bono's attitude was still bearable :)
In fact, I love this show in special, MacPhisto dancing with a fan impressed me so much back then
hope u feel better soon, Eli :) !!!

I´m just packing my things...again. Tomorrow I´ll go camping with some friends for 10 days.
hope u feel better soon, Eli :) !!!

I´m just packing my things...again. Tomorrow I´ll go camping with some friends for 10 days.

Oh hey, thank you very much, Elli! You're really kind!
You might not be here at the moment, so I don't think you'll read this now... but still, have a good time with your friends!! :)
Listening to E.S. Posthumus


also my right wrist hurts like a bitch, no I didn't fap too much, I just train from child
I think it either was my deadlifts or OHP's, most likely deadlifts since I stacked a bitchton of weight (for my strength) on it.

I need earbuds, mine broke; I can't listen to music at teh gymz :(
:lol: That sucks, I am starting to ween myself from music during weights so I can focus mentally. Still need that shit for cardio though, actually I have elaborate playlists with certain songs for each activity that help me go harder, faster, stronger, longer :loco: Maybe I will share.
I recently started listening to music while I fuck, It's usually like, Kanye West or Usher, but chicks dig it. Plus you get a rythem going, which keeps me from giving up and busting it in her hair out of spite.
I recently started listening to music while I fuck, It's usually like, Kanye West or Usher, but chicks dig it. Plus you get a rythem going, which keeps me from giving up and busting it in her hair out of spite.

The bass really helps too.


Thank me later, though these are all slower songs.

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