What are you doing at this moment?


There you can delete the other one.
Well I'm mainly going as I'm getting hooked up with someone who wants me and my roommates to go. So have to see if that works out, if not fuck it I'm not going to an art show.
And my roommate loves to make fun of hipsters...despite the fact he has totally taken up looking like one, but because hes Ripped/Athletic mode he doesn't think hes a hipster.

So its going to be fun. I'll wear flannel and yell HOODY HOO!!! at people like in this song, BOUT A'BOUT IT

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downloading Sons Of Anarchy S03E02, awesome show, and best sound track ever.

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^^Aaargh :lol: Well, can't you help in the research, or a part of it, to precipitate it all?
^If you talk about the vid: Exactly.

Edit: I just spent my 1.000th post dissing Dimmu :erk:
You could watch the new Dimmu vid instead, it's so full of lulz you're gonna beg to return to your work :(

5 mins of wtf.

Shagrath's fucking tentacle hat is pretty looool. But otherwise I actually think it's kinda cool to see a metal band wearing white, black gets a little tiresome... And the song isn't *that* bad, those awful female vocals can fuck off, but aside from that it's okay.
It just seems so cheesy to me... and seriously, is that red water near the end supposed to be blood? And the palpitating heart is really funny.
Edit: Nah forget that water stuff, I got it now ^^
^ Oh no... what happened? I mean... I hope it's not cuz someone punched you in the face, that'd be bad!
(just kidding, trying to make you smile a tiny bit :cry:)
Seriously, now, I'm sorry. =/ I hope you can feel better soon...
Lying on a couch in some Neve-Studio. Thank god this console is warm enough to fry eggs on it, it's really nice here.