What are you doing right nao?

i actually was wondering about vikingar! I think we are learning about plurals tonight :D

The use of kommer is a bit confusing. i have seen it used like you did, but how it goes from "Kommer du från Sverige?" to "kommer du skriva..." is seriously wtf.
like australians :)

swedish <3 :lol:

how long have you been studying?

I've had 8 lessons now so I guess i'm learning really slowly :( still trying to figure out tense but we haven't learned a lot of detail on that yet. same with plurals, we only started to look at that last night. and we havent learned about the how or why of the different prepositions really at all.

Vad är det de gör? Vägarbete på natten utanför mitt sovrum, fy fan!

I tried to make a sentence out of the thought i had while walking home. I had to use the dictionary for Vägerbete and utsida, but now i look up utanför and it has the exact same meaning as utsida. so is utsida technically correct but you wouldn't use it in that sentence?

And ok yes, I get the min/mitt thing i think. Its because of ett sovrum? so its mitt instead of min?

And i think i am maybe beginning to understand why it is det de, but thats going to take a while for my slow brain to really cope with :(

Tack så mycket!