What are you doing right nao?

The downside of the dark and cold periods here is that most people tend to stay more at home, crashing on the couch infront of the telly, waiting for summer to return. Its easy to get isolated here.
When its warm and bright outside you tend to do so much more social stuff, Its depressing thinking of how many weeks I have wasted of my life because of this retarded state you eventually end up in up here.
doesn't sound like my life would change too much. I don't watch much TV, but I don't go out a lot either. So bring on the cold dark winter! it sounds perfect to me :D
cold weather it's ok for vacation but to actually live in those cold countries it's a bit boring at the end, my two years experience in the Netherlands were enough to come back to a warm isolated place where the beaches are empty and you can just go do water activities and then BBQ and drink beer... :)

Western Mexico <3