What are you doing right nao?

bra! Jag hata personer det pratar alltför mycket alla det tid, men stund full är okej :D det är roligt!

that was a difficult one. im not sure about the use of alltför or stund :erk: sorry

Haha I am not really sure what you intended to write but I'll try :)

Bra! Jag hatar personer som pratar för mycket hela tiden, men om man är full är det okej. Då är det roligt.

Perhaps :D
well that is what i tried to say :lol: so at least i got my meaning across, even if I confused you a bit :D

im going to have to study what you said for a while before i completely understand. im think i will probably struggle with tense forever :lol: The last bit i tried to say "it is fun" but adding då actually makes more sense in english too. dammit! now my english is failing :lol:

hel is a new word for me, hela was confusing to figure out as it also means "heal", i have now learned.