What are you doing right nao?

:O I want to go
the police shot some finnish guy who came at them with a machete... :p they're probably just using the incident as an excuse to do shit

haha, i don't think everyone in sweden is racist :p but i think a lot of people are tired of people coming here and not behaving

then why swedes let the government allow more refugees?
i say the same, but in internet some people say is because one cop kill an old men inmigrant.

you can come to chile, the south is like heaven and we are not rasist ;) we are pleased to have visitors.

I also read about the old man that was killed, but at this point I don't know the finer details. I thought it was disturbing that there were people saying that violence is the only way they have been heard. That is a very bad way to view things.

I actually wonder what Chile is like, it's so far south it's probably an entirely different world than I'm used to. I have visited almost every Canadian province and US state but I've never been further south than Texas or Florida.
because of a thing called solidarity :) what people don't seem to realize is that there need to be jobs and living for everyone that comes here as well
of course. I hope the burned car problems, and police detain immigrants in t-centralen improve over time and don´t get worse :)
I also read about the old man that was killed, but at this point I don't know the finer details. I thought it was disturbing that there were people saying that violence is the only way they have been heard. That is a very bad way to view things.

I actually wonder what Chile is like, it's so far south it's probably an entirely different world than I'm used to. I have visited almost every Canadian province and US state but I've never been further south than Texas or Florida.
yes, violence is always bad.
well, here we have all the climates :lol: so it´s good if you like hot or cold.

I have a friend family in Canada, I want to go there in some years too