What are you doing right nao?

And apparently when I click generate status it says I am havign sex with a Xenomorph. Sounds naughty

"Just woke up with my favourite movie monster, the Xenomorph"

Oh and this....

"I cut my hair twerking to a slayer song."
So uh, what is it like sleeping with something that has bodily fluid that will burn flesh? I mean, what brand of condoms do you use?
I don't know....Is it the alien hybrid Sigourney Weaver or regular Sigourney Weaver?

So uh, what is it like sleeping with something that has bodily fluid that will burn flesh? I mean, what brand of condoms do you use?

The trick is to use the molted skin of a facehugger as a condom, it resists acid.
Reading a psychology book called '' What do you say after you say hello''. I didnt know breastfeeding is so important for one's mental health :erk:
90% of those kind of books are bullshit

There are tons of good authors, but somehow, they arent very popular.
Eric Berne, Barbara De Angelis, Andrey Kurpatov, Erich Fromm, Vladeta Jerotic... Vladeta Jerotic is the most amazing person ive ever met in my life.
I needed 3 days to finish Freud's Psychopathology of Everyday Life. Such an amazing book. But then again, im not very interested in self help books, just psychology and development overall.