What are you doing right nao?

This is probably the biggest reason I'd be hesitant to have kids. They'd wake up and interrupt me while I'm trying to listen to new albums.

Headphones are your friends late at night and during the day they don't care about me blasting away metal, in fact they only go to sleep in the car when I do! :headbang:
But whats wrong with that? Why dont you give them a chance, you actualy might have some fun :)

I do not think you should compromise like that, they would most likely never go to a metal bar or metal consert so why go with them to a pop club?

This is a little fun and I have had this kind of discussion with my work colleagues many times. They think that I should try to be more like the rest of them and go with them to clubs and stuff when they have their after work beers or parties but I always decline saying that as long as they would never say go to a rock bar of my choosing or like come see my band play then why would I do compromise and be like they want me to be?? They think I am very difficult and weird but really who cares :lol:
I do usually always go out with them just because I like hanging out with my close friends, and they are cool with me liking metal and other stuff. I'm grateful for that, and alongside that I also have friends with similar interests to me who I can go to shows with and stuff :headbang:
instead of wasting your life having kids, just get your girl to put records for you
Just finished watching "The Raid 2", yup that is one of the best and most brutal action movies I've ever seen...the message of the movie is "Never get into a fistfight with an asian because you will die". :)