What are you doing right nao?

:cool: has a perfect credit score

:tickled: meets girl

:blush: decides to get things serious with her

:( in debt in a matter of months
cursing my shitty apartment, hating this useless cold some fat non exercising piece of shit could have, thinking of smashing my computer into debris with a sledgehammer

Do you happen to live inside my mind? I feel like I heard this same thing when I was talking to myself the other day. Well besides the exercising part, I was usually eating Hamburger Helper.
I spotted Stefan and Gurra by the entrance when they arrived, we were having a beer by the merchstand, figured I would catch them on the way in but we missed each other. Probably the best gig I have seen, sound and musicianship was unreal and Max Phelps vocals were fucking INSANE! Blew all my shit away, I was standing with big smile on my face the entire gig.
I spotted Stefan and Gurra by the entrance when they arrived, we were having a beer by the merchstand, figured I would catch them on the way in but we missed each other. Probably the best gig I have seen, sound and musicianship was unreal and Max Phelps vocals were fucking INSANE! Blew all my shit away, I was standing with big smile on my face the entire gig.

Yeah Max Phelps skills are unreal! It was hard to know what to do at times, headbang like crazy or just stare in amazement. The sound was probably the best it has ever been in that venue. Those who dismiss this as a "cover band" are doing this project great injustice and miss out on something truly great. :rock:

I thought I spotted you by the merchstand but.... Have you lost weight?

Yes I have! :blush:
You do not want to be the fat guy in the band AND the bass player! :D