What are you doing right nao?

playing not-progressive gee ttarsszzz

Basically just stumming along the last 3 minutes or so of "Falling Snow", because it's easy and sounds great.
Preparing to head out and do some grocery shopping with the kids. My 3 year old son has already started his day by singing Into the Fire by Dokken at the top of his lungs. Gonna be a good day.
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Edit : Rather oddly, the best meal on my trip was a pizza near Oslo Centum. Stuff was incredible.

I'm so glad to read this—my ladyfriend and I had a similar experience. We were walking around looking for dinner and some dude was outside of an Italian restaurant trying to convince people to come in. The pizza and tiramisu remain some of the best I've ever had.
Playing "I Was Made For Lovin' You" on the gutarr. I have to admit, this is the most fun song I've played yet. It's easy to play, so I don't get stressed and fuck up and it's a catchy tune.