What are you doing right nao?

I have 1 respect for long haired girls as long as their skin colour is not brown. I grant bonus +1 respect for blue, green or gray eyes. If they have perfect skull shape and nose I throw in another respect. If everything goes well and a girl has good hips and thigs + she's pale as snow she can earn a total of 4 respects.
Just saw that Spotify has a new playlist each week - discover weekly. Pretty cool! Lot of shit on it but I think it's worth it to listen to them each week if I find out about just 1 new artist that I'll like :)
I think I just fucking killed some random guy.

Yesterday I saw my friend liked some post on facebook, it was about some blogger who went to China and posted some photo when he is standing at the edge of the cliff.

I wrote "keep doing that and you'll die".

Well, he died today, fell from a bridge or something. Power Word: Death unlocked it seems.
I sure wish I could run greater distances, but all I can do is 200-300 meters and my left knee is exploding due to the old injury ;_;

Here's hoping I will get rid of this worthless leg in near future and turn myself into mech.