What are you doing right nao?

Watching gutarr tutorial videos.

After amassing 3000$ worth of guitar equipment over the years like an idiot, I have finally started learning how to play. Been putting 1-2 hours a day for the past week.
I think you and I have very different idea of "can't play". I literally can't play anything. AT ALL.

I can (could) maybe do 3 chords in a row, if even that. :erk:

Well, I can play some stuff, but im inconsistent as fuck and cant ever get one song played good once.

Thankfuly I play only my own stuff and I can record 10s (usually 3-4 times because i keep fucking everything up) bits and patch them together in Reaper so at least there's that.
Trying to become better human being


Now im a nice guy
