What are you doing right nao?

Being a bad guy.

Had hard exam at university, oral exam I might add, where only 20 % people passes it.
So, i woke up, growled and barked for the entire morning, overdosed nose spray and trained in the car on my way to the exam in order to sound like fucking undead, pretend i can barely speak so I can write this exam.

It worked :3
I didn't exactly ever do well in biology or science shit in school... Can you actually get high from nose sprays?

Nah, not what I meant, I;ve been overdosing it for like 6 years already (and you can only use it for 2 weeks without damaging your nose, so yea) after I got my nose rekt by some punk. Now every time I use it (and i must use it in order to breatj through the nose) it fucking burns and when I overdose it some of it goes down my throat and damages it too.

But if I was berserker I would surely use it to build my rage up.