What are you doing right nao?

Today I was almost killed by my Lenovo laptop.

4 or 5 am, i am awakened by a loud schreeching sound, with some static and distorted phone-like sounds. I get up from bed with panic, cant locate at first the source of the sounds and at this point i was like "thats it, the wet, longhaired asian girl will appear and im done". Eventually i located the sound and it was coming from my hibernated laptop, turns out, it was low battery signal.

And ive got to ask WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. What are these hellish sounds and why does laptop dares to play any sound when its hibernated. WHAT THE FUCK.
I've been on a kick of Hail of Bullets lately. I'm huge into WW2 and that era, and I love death metal so of course I love them. Ive been thinking of making a music video using clips from Grave of Fireflies and the song 'Tokyo Napalm Holocaust'. It fits cause the song isn't about the atomic bombs but the napalming of the city that was shown in the anime movie. Could come out cool I think

Taking this slut to the forge to melt her dress and become rich. Or just pour the gold on someone's head.