What are you doing right now.

January tour dearest.

OT; currently being dumbfounded at how I've never noticed Mechanix and Four Horseman are the same fucking song before now, honestly.

Uuuuummm......... Yeeeeaaaaah......

I'm listening to Sabbath at the moment, nothing else. lol
I'm working on an essay compareing and contrasting Karl Marx's theories with the Philosophies of the enlightenment. Fun.

and Dave, What? I thought you hated warbringer.
no, I know he doesn't like them because they're unreliable have shity guitar tone, the vocalist raps instead of sings properly, yadda yadda yadda. but I've only ever heard dave say that they were mediocre.
I'm working on an essay compareing and contrasting Karl Marx's theories with the Philosophies of the enlightenment. Fun.

and Dave, What? I thought you hated warbringer.

Marx can go to hell, if it weren't for communism, we wouldn't have gave a shit about what happened in Iran, and thus would never have placed Saddam in power, thus would have never cared if Saddam had tanks on the Saudi Border (no middle eastern country really like Saddam anyway, he was a secular ruler), thus would not have military bases on Saudi soil, thus, al Qaeda would not hate us, thus no war on terror, no gulf war, no Iraq war, and no reason to care about what Iran does.
yeah, I'm not a huge fan. he has some really cool ideas and great observations, but his suggestions on how to structure society can't work with large populations.

and dave, must agree, it kicks the shit out of everything. that solo in severed reality is catchy as all hell. you had better see that show for me.
Libertarianism FTW

What I'm doing right now: Porn, listening to delta blues, reading "Libertarian Nation" by James Walsh. About to go downstairs and watch House.
Libertarianism FTW

What I'm doing right now: Porn, listening to delta blues, reading "Libertarian Nation" by James Walsh. About to go downstairs and watch House.

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense. :Smug::Smug::Smug::Smug:
diddy are you on crack, or is this some clever cypher?

What am I doing right now?
Seriously thinking about applying for the Evile bass audition. I'm just shit scared and nervous.

Other than that, just listening to music and arsing about. Just got back from the pub.

Do it, it's a once in a lifetime oppurtunity, hell, I would pile-drive a baby and DDT a woman to have the oppurtunity to audition for Evile.