What are you G.A.S.ing for right now?


Really bad :(

top ten headstocks of all time, the edwards
logo and the headstock inlays are fucking awesome!!!

been G.A.S-ing for one of these for years but was always
scared to make a direct import from japan, as i can't buy
it here in germany :/

No ones posted anything in the "What are you GASing for now" thread in a while so I figured I'd give it a bit of a bump with a little Telecaster love. Fender has some 60th anniversary Telecaster models as part of their Tele-bration and one has severely gotten my Tele GAS going. I love this Flame Top (Antique Burst) American Standard with gold hardware, 3 ply mint green pickguard Telecaster - one sexy Tele indeed.

+1 for the Tele G.A.S.

When I went to pick up my amp from Digital Village I played one, and I nearly left with that instead of the amp :lol: Beautiful guitar!
My brother just bought a Squier Classic Vibe Tele, it's really amazing ! It's even better than the Mex one I've played a few times, and now I am really GASing for one too...

Telecaster is da shit ! :kickass:
I actually just got a trade offer on craigslist from a guy wanting to trade me his black Deluxe Blackout Telecaster for my Peavey vypyr tube 60w. Tempting, but then I wouldn't have an amp to play it on. :lol:

Jind, I could make the trade and then send you the guitar in exchange for a good tube amp perhaps :) Haha