What are you G.A.S.ing for right now?

GASing so hard for this baby right here:
This might sound strange, but I really want a Gibson SG Special Faded. Worn Brown. It would be a perfect cheapo axe for me to play drunken stoner with, not worrying about knocking or scratching it!


Was thinking of getting one of these myself, nice looking axe despite its relative lack of fanciness.

Own one. This is a BEAST, but don't expect to mic a cab easily as the advertisement told you ("just throw it in front of a cab").
It will give you AWESOME low end at everything.
For guitar cabs, I recommend using the its back (with the phase inverted on the preamp, so it will be active), to get more highend.

Amazing for bass amps, kick drums, china...:kickass:
I want so many guitars right now it's crazy. That pic of the SG is not helping. I really want a 62 MIJ Tele though..

I'm officially on the Axe-Fx II waiting list......... let's see how long this takes. I'm probably at the very end of the list with about 9,000 people in front of me. :lol: By the time it's available, I might actually be able to afford it. haha