What are you into these days?

The Vision Bleak
Nefilim or Fields of the Nephillim
My band, Skylab (new cd coming out soon)
many, many more
now that you said that i think it's true, some moelodies, the ethereal vocals, in some way they remember me of Novembre.

In this days i listening a lot to Rapture albums, i had almost forgotten how good they are.
Wolven Ancestry-awesome Canadian melodic black metal, one of my favourite bands.
Woods Of Ypres-^with doom metal elements
The Old Dead Tree-The Nameless Disease
Recently, Avec Tristesse thanks to a thread here.
I'm currently digging the new Amorphis album "Silent Waters", I think they've made their second best album, next to tales. Its sounding so tales from the thousand lakes...the vocalist seems like the old one in tales! It's brilliantly awesome. I'm feeling about the same I felt back in 94 when tales was released... a big hooray to Amorphis for making it back!
I'm finding it hard to tell whether maudlin of the well is good or not. The changes between mellow and death metal parts are just at times too awkward. Novembre does it much better :p But I do like Kayo Dot a lot.

Lately I've gotten into Yoko Kanno (groovy soundtrack-jazz á la Cowboy Bebop), Bohren & Der Club Of Gore (gloomy David Lynch-jazz), Virgin Black, Alcest, Rosetta and Mouth of the Architect.
Definetely I'm converting to this post rock genre thanks to my friend Mario. Now I love Red Sparowes. What a beautiful music, even celestial. This past weekend I was watching some videoclips of i LiKE TRAiNS, they are awesome too, perhaps someone agrees but to me they sound like the My Dying Bride of post Rock.
I'm also playing a lot 'Silent Waters' of AmorphiS in the last days, though in the beginning I didn't like so much as 'Eclipse'. But I have to say that 'Eclipse' in my opinion remains however one or two steps higher than the last album.
Well, my fave records is and will always be 'Tales...' and sometimes I can't believe I've playin' it for almost 15 years :worship:
... do you this band? I was readin' a review for an Italian mag. in which they've been compared to Klimt 1918. They remind me of The Cure. Probably a more rock version of The Cure. Well, even Klimt 1918 reminds of The Cure...

Does anyone from you here's got 'The Knowing' from November's Doom? Today I was lookin' for 'The Blue' and found this record among the cheaper ones, but had never heard anything from this act, so I didn't take it. Tonight I played those few songs from my space, but should be all recent stuff. I thought that they had more clean vocals, to be honest, but it seems is all growling like the early Crematory...