What are you listening to lately?

Evil Dead said:
Amorphis (Eclipse)
Dark Funerals new one
Cephalic Carnage

hey i'm surprised an american guy knows Gojira. i mean they're one of the most famous french death band in france, but i thought that they were totally unknown elsewhere.
and is the last Dark Funeral good?

anyway, lately i've been listening to the last Falkenbach which is really awsome shit, and the latest Thyrfing which is not so great and rather disapointing in my opinion.
and apart from those, these days i'm into:
Dub Buk
Amon Amarth (always)
Old Cannibal Corpse
Belgar, where'd you get that new Belenos? Fucking hard to get over here. GRR.

Heathen Dawn
Iron Maiden
Amon Amarth
Gates of Ishtar
Give me some input on Thyrfing... Do most of you like them? They're hard to get here. When I go back to The Old Country in May, I'd like to pick up some good new stuff - are they worth investing in?
thyrfing worth investing? ofcourse! the new album is not their best i think.. so you'd better take the older albums. But thyrfing is not a band who changes a lot in their career. Their albums are every time a little bit different thant the one before, but otherwise it would be the same all te time. Oh.. and i think most of the people here like thyrfing. If you like viking-metal, you like thyrfing.

what i listen to lately:

a lot of moonsorrow,
amon amarth,
mithotyn (king of the distand forest.. whoho great album!)
yeah Thyrfing doesnt evolve a lot except for the disapointing last album Farsotider! we don't want them to evolve! Stay the same! stay folk! anyway yeah Thyrfing is worth investing in, but don't buy the last album first or else you'll think Thyrfing arent that great.
I haven't heard the whole farsotstider album yet. Only the 3 songs on the myspace page of thyrfing. But it's really different stuff if you compare it with older releases.
But you are saying that it isn't such a great album, is it?
Well Farsotider is fine as a whole. the title track is pretty good. but i just found it disapointing for a Thyrfing album. and no its not such a great album.
it can be resumed by this:
we waited 3 years so that Thyrfing releases an album that does not blow our hats off. and thats disapointing.
but thats just my opinion.
yes indeed, the song farsotstider is ok. and maybe 1 or 2 songs more. But Urkraft, vansinnesvisor (every time i forget how to write this fuckin name..) That are the real thyrfing-albums.
funny.. how an ''what-are-you-listening-thread" can change into a "hail-to-thyrfing-thread" haha..

well guys.. nice evening.. i m going to drink another beer! cheers!