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More metal goodyness from Denmark! Submission - Rebel of Society (album: Code of Conspiracy)... Vicious, fast, blast beating, ear drum raping, psycho chainsaw wielding, puppy punching shit here! The melodic vocals are terrific along with the screaming . Only listened to two of their songs so far but based on that - highly recommended!
Growling is an issure for me too. Most bands seem to just use growling because they feel their genre demands it, but very few have real power behind the growls and have it really connect to the music. Amon Amarth is imo the biggest exception, Johan Hegg's growls are fucking powerful, and they combine it with the more melodic aspects of their music really, really well.

Note: Scar Symmetry, Opeth, Hypocrisy, Naglfar, The Project Hate

A nice array of growlers/shriekers who really embody what excellent, powerful, contextually sound distorted vocals should be.

More metal goodyness from Denmark! Submission - Rebel of Society (album: Code of Conspiracy)... Viscious, fast, blast beating, ear drum raping, psycho chainsaw wielding, puppy punching shit here! The melodic vocals are terrific along with the screaming . Only listened to two of their songs so far but based on that - highly recommended!

Very nice, reminds me a lot of new Soilwork (Figure Number Five and onward, particularly Sworn to a Great Divide)

Good stuff
Their song, "Imaginary Freedom", you may find sounds a lot like "Exile" from Soilwork's Sworn to a Great Fanbase Divide - especially the chorus. That's especially a great song I'd recommend checking out. :D
A lot of Keldian. I ordered up their "Journey of Souls" album last week. Problem is while, to me, some of the songs are amazing, I'm not all that crazy about some others. "Ghost of Icarus" stomps ass though so that evens it out. :)

Looking forward to their third album! :kickass:
Fear Factory - Act of God

Mostly after reading about Dino rejoining the band and Gene Hoglan is now their new drummer. That'll be an interesting band picture, Burton standing next to those big guys. :D
Polaris leaked and I "observed" some of the songs... In my humble opinion, what I hear so far kicks incomprehensible amounts of fucking ass!!! Without Tolkki in the band, and everyone contributing their respective lyrics and songs, Strato sounds reborn and far better than you might expect.

The one thing I was worried about, before checking this album, was Kotipelto's vocals; and while it's true that he's not exactly Jan Thore Grefstad, he sounds excellent on this album! He doesn't sing in constant falsetto. He's seriously improved here. I read somewhere in an interview with Jörg Michael that Tolkki had Kotipelto singing in ways he couldn't handle too well. Which I sort of suspected... The chorus in "Know the Difference" still gives me nightmares...

But there is a big difference here and I've already placed a pre-order for this monster.

So here's a "Fuck yeah" to StratoTolkkiLess! :kickass:
I placed an order for the trippy digipack version with Tower Records. Still waiting for them to ship.

They're the first site I've ever heard of that takes longer to process the order than it does for it to arrive after shipping. Oh and the card is charged before said shipment. I've ordered "Pagan's Mind - God's Equation" from them due to a surprising lack of options of sites to order from at the time and was impressed the order arrived so fast after the supposed shipment.

The wait is fucking murder. :(

Anyways back to the thread, I'm listening to Saint Deamon - Oceans of Glory from their new "Pandeamonium" album. It doesn't exactly push the power metal envelope but damn it's one addictive damn song!
Primal Fear - Jaws of Death - Final Embrace

One of the most balls to the wall rocking tunes ever. LOVE this band, and I actually prefer Ralf's vocals to Halford and Owens. He's got more umph than Halford and is less nasally than Owens.