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Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings (the title track)
The re-issue version of this is fucking pulverizing, especially the parts where Matt sings during the verses. Absolutely thunderous! :kickass:
Stupid forum wouldn't let me edit my post... :err:

Now it's Last December. I love how Matt's voice echoes after:
"this is not your average love...




mrs.little :lol:

Nah, seriously... Opeth, Watershed at the moment! So many beautiful melodies and atmospheres... if the songs would be a little easier to distinguish like on the other albums I've heard so far it would be even better...
Currently listening to Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight. I always loved this band, but on first listen I hated the direction of this album. After stepping back and giving it a few more listens without expecting an identical third album, there is a lot of good music on this record. Very emotional, pushing the boundaries of popular alternative rock/metal. Good stuff
Ascension of the Watchers - Iconoclast Good relaxing stuffs. I hate how Burton pissed all over most of this EP's tracks on Numinosum. :err:
Daylight Dies - Lost to the Living

Seriously gorgeous American Melodic Doom. One of the best of the genre right next to Katatonia and Slumber. A must listen for fans of the genre and a possible album that may turn haters.
Lasttribe-The Uncrowned

For those who may have missed on this now defunct band...may be worth check'n these guys out. They were led by guitarist / songwriter Magnus Karlsson who in recent past took part in Allen / Lande (The Battle)...Starbreaker...The Codex...and now is in Primal Fear. IMO, Lasttribe is and was the best thing Magnus ever put out / took part in.

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Last Tribe is good, haven't listened to them in a while. Well, Illusion Suite didn't really grab me...

...but Cain's Offering, damn good stuff! This will be a definite purchase...sort of a Finnish supergroup :kickass:

<--- Cain's Offering - Thorn In My Side [Cains_Offering-Gather_The_Faitful-2009-TMS] 04:07 [Heavy Metal]