what are you reading?

Read Chuck Palahniuk's "Choke" last week. Excellent and weird.... hard to explain. Just read it.

Now in the middle of:
Steven Erikson: Gardens of the Moon (this is damn slow book, good though)
Burroughs: Naked Lunch
Philip K. Dick: The Divine Invasion
Voice of God said:
Steven Erikson: Gardens of the Moon (this is damn slow book, good though)

The best fantasy author of the last decade and more, bar none. Gardens of the Moon is great, but really only a warm up. I'm currently reading the sixth one.

Here's a no-spoiler Memories of Ice review which I feel sums up Erikson's work perfectly:
"If any work is truly deserving of the accolade epic, it is the writing of Steven Erikson. Vast in scope and imagination, spanning continents and cultures as diverse and multifaceted as any to be found in fantasy, Erikson readily towers over every other author writing military fantasy today, or for that matter, from the past. Possessing in a single volume the equivalent storylines and action found elsewhere within a trilogy or three, events happen here with such kinetic energy, so compellingly and dramatically rendered, that the senses threaten to become overloaded with a surfeit of vivid imagery and deed. Nor is this simply superbly written drama or gripping conflict told through a cast of likeable if often deadly combatants, but also an allegorical hunt through themes as large and sweeping as Erikson's panoramic and painterly vistas, complex as the winding labyrinths of The Warrens, or alternatively as secretive as the portal House of Azath. This is a world where gods walk at times among men and the past, no matter how remotely fragile or forgotten, stalks and haunts the memory of both the present and future's imagining, a realm of horror and wonder where a simple act of kindness can result in devastation thousands of years after or a redemption entirely unexpected. A reflection of the colossal scale in which the author works, Erikson fashions fantasy as nature would sculpt a mountain, in rifts and tectonic upheaval, crafting monumental edifices that in the hands of another, less gifted author would surely topple beneath the sheer weight of their own invention. And, in terms of mythos, not since Tolkien have we seen the conversion of legend into fabulous history become as powerfully or richly rendered.

Homeric in scope and vision, Erikson interweaves stories and characters upon a grand stage that not only captures but competes for the reader's attention. The description of the assault upon Capustan is reminiscent of the blind poet's siege of Troy, with figures equally bold and tragic, and struggles Herculean in task. Gods are Olympian in character, if playing quite dissimilar roles. And the final battle before Coral is cataclysmic, leaving both heroes and foes fallen (like Martin, Erikson is not one to pull his punches). But what really sets the author's writing apart, aside from his rich and vivid use of language and description, his unparalleled management of action and gripping combat, his compassion towards his characters, or the sheer scale of his imagination and mythic vision, is the secondary and thematic elements running well beneath all the action and apparent fantasy, metaphors and allegory that speak, if one is listening, to deeper intellectual and existential issues easily lost amidst the toil and turmoil of the author's animated and cyclopean plots. Themes of loss and redemption, religion and the sacrifice of love, identity, heroism and what it means to be human, are woven through mirroring imagery of beasts, men and gods blinded by a single eye, or a mother's love which can both nurture and destroy. The body can become crippled, though deformity need not disfigure the spirit or the heart. And through the entire story there exists a deep and abiding humanity that refuses easy simplification or categorization into dichotomies of good and evil, right and wrong, even when identified. Each and every character struggles with their personal burdens, losses and joys, some to be resolved, others to be carried, and in ways as unique and varied as the characters portrayed. Finally, despite the tragedy and heroism expected of a work that consciously embraces the epic form, and does so in a way that truly captures this genre's original intention, rather than merely mimicking its style and content, the author has also infused his narrative with a great amount of humour that, just as in real life, alleviates and offers counterpoint to the great tragedy, pathos and at times brutality of this ambitious and prodigious tale.

Easily one of the best books of the year. Steven Erikson has infused new life into one of the oldest traditions of fiction, and has done so in a manner that genuinely captures and reinterprets the spirit of the original Greek and Norse sagas. By comparison, almost every other work making similar claims appears almost diminutive in stature, if not having misconstrued the meaning of the noun and adjective. If, as a reader, you have been looking for a book whose content is more than a match for its page count, or for fantasy that goes beyond a simple if compellingly told story, your search is over. Along with Gardens of the Moon and Deadhouse Gates, Memories of Ice offers all the rewards the word epic so often conjures and fails to deliver. Read and expect to be overpowered, not only by a story that never fails to thrill and entertain, but by a saga that lives up to its name, both intellectually and in its dramatic, visually rich and lavish storytelling. " - William Thompson
The Timebird said:
The best fantasy author of the last decade and more, bar none. Gardens of the Moon is great, but really only a warm up.

That's what I've heard and it was the main reason I picked up GotM. I've been really slow with the book though, and I'm too early in the book to say anything else but that it's "promising". I haven't really connected with any of the characters.

But I have to say that to surpass Martin in my books, he better be pretty damn masterful and my expectations may well be too high. Martin just rekindled my love for fantasy last autumn and I really hope this Erikson guy can pull off the level his credited with. :grin:
I'm in exactly the opposite position to you, having just bought A Game of Thrones. I've also bought Bakker's The Darkness That Comes Before, which also seems to have been mentioned a lot recently. I'll make comparisons and give feedback in due course (I realise my "best fantasy author of the last decade" isn't currently the most informed opinion in the world ;)). I'll mention that before I read Erikson I thought Donaldson was untouchable, but now I'm not so sure (I know they're mutual fans of one another).

Anyhow, if you think GotM is promising already, I imagine you'll end up loving Erikson, as nearly everybody finds GotM by far the hardest to get into (the ridiculous amounts of information he feeds you, half of which means nothing until later, as well as the massive amounts of characters, races, etc to keep track of - the scope of his vision was always going to need quite a bit of familiarisation). Once his work grips you, the way the complex interwoven plotlines gradually come together and make sense as a whole will fascinate you, as will the intriguing history of the world and its array of interesting characters into which Erikson's clearly put many, many years of effort. He has also written some of the most heartbreakingly tragic scenes I've ever read, along with hundreds of other moments which struck me with their beauty in various forms. Oh, and certain sections are just flat out hilarious, especially later on.

Not that I'm a fanboy, or anything. :)
I'm reading At The Mountains Of Madness, by HP Lovecraft.

Really cool short story, he really sets the scene well and it gets you wondering what horrors are waiting on the next page. The build up is just brilliant
I finally finished Gardens of the Moon. Good book, but not as good as the hype I've read lead me to believe. Too many plots, too many characters and too much background in too little space. The plot-threads and characters really suffered because they didn't have enough room to properly develop. The book should've been at least 1500 pages long, or few of the less important plots should've been left to happen in the background. Good book anyhow, and I hope the rest of the series will make it better and live up to the hype.

Now, back to Naked Lunch and The Divine Invasion.
... And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts. It goes over the emergence of the AIDS epidemic in the early 80's. Very interesting and very depressing.
'Doing Nothing' by Tom Lutz, a history of loafers, loungers, slackers, and bums in america
"Every man is, or hopes to be, an idler" Samuel Johnson (1758)
"They say I'm lazy, but it takes all my time" Joe Walsh (1978)
La Rocque said:
'Doing Nothing' by Tom Lutz, a history of loafers, loungers, slackers, and bums in america
"Every man is, or hopes to be, an idler" Samuel Johnson (1758)
"They say I'm lazy, but it takes all my time" Joe Walsh (1978)

I recommend "Tom Hodgkinson & Matthew De Abaitua: The Idlers Companion - An Anthology Of Lazy Literature"
The Catcher in the Rye. It seems a little cliched a book for an adolescent to be reading, I'm going to University in September and I'm still not really sure what I want to do with my life, I've dreams and aspirations that I know I'm too lazy to ever realise and this book is all about that sort of stuff.

It's about adolescence and uncertainty and not wanting to be like your parents, or any adult for that matter, not wanting to be part of the big sociological machine that society wants you to be part of.

It's a little cliched and all but it's all so damm well written and although it's a little dated I can sort of identify with all the stuff the protagnonist says, even when I don't totally agree with it.

Great book I've only had it 3 days and I'm 19 chapters in.
I also bought Serenity: Those Left Behind today, so it's a graphic novel (comic book) but i'm still reading it so it still qualifies.
