what are you reading?

i adore serious literature. some classics like V.Hugo, E.Poe...
if something modern - its usually Pallaniuk, Neil Gaiman, Marquez, Beigbeder...
now I'm reading Frederic Beigbeder - L'amour dure trois ans (Love lives three years),and I guess I'm staring to believe it
Just read William Golding's Lord of the Flies yesterday. What a disappointment. He gets the point through very well, but the writing and story itself are not that good and the ending was lousy. Good for "find the metaphores"-class.

I've almost also finished Waltari's The Egyptian (took me a while...). Good historical novel about an interesting phase in ancient egypt, although a bit too similar to his other historical epics. And I'm kind of bothered that ancient egyptians seem to drink like 1940's finnish writers. :grin:

I'm starting Steven Erikson's "Gardens of the Moon" (1st book of "Malazan Book of the Fallen" - series) tonight.
Voice of God said:
Just read William Golding's Lord of the Flies yesterday. What a disappointment. He gets the point through very well, but the writing and story itself are not that good and the ending was lousy.

I had to read that in english in highschool a loooooooong time I ago, I hate it....mostly the fact that I had to read it and didn't want to.:mad:

Right now I am getting into "The Professional Vocalist" by Rachel L. Lebon
Its a great book so far I would recommend it to someone who is serious about professional vocal performance. I love it so far, its hard to find a private instructor that will help you to sing in a mainstream way. I want to not sound "trained" I guess. I haven't sung for an audience in yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaars, but I have over 10 years of experience with it. Well enough now I'm just rambling...:lol:
Saartje said:
I totally agree with you.

When I was younger (read: three years ago) I really loved Harry Potter. Book 1 till 4 are great. But now, well actually from the fifth book on it's like: she's just writing because she has to write and the quality is going downhill.:erk:

I am 34 and I love the Hary Potter books, I don´t think the quality is going downhill. Quality for me is when I feel entertained and relaxed by reading a book for leasure. I guess if I would only have seen the movies I wouldn´t bother, but the books are just great, easy, and relaxing.
Anyone read, "Catweazle and the Magic Zodiac" ?

David Gemmell's 'Rigante' series fucking owns
1. Sword in the Storm (1998)
2. The Midnight Falcon (1999)
3. Ravenheart (2001)
4. Stormrider (2002)
(is in the vein of, Sword-and-Sorcery | Saga, Myth, and Legend | In the Tolkein Tradition)

Just bought 'The Divine Comedy'
I'm reading
