what are you reading?

Again, I don't mean to whine. Just not the quickest reader, is all. I appreciate the recommendations.
Conceptually the Bridge stomps ALL over the Wasp Factory, it's an undertaking that is executed much more beautifully.

Your dad is also right, the Whisky book was terrible.
Just finished The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of The Three, by Stephen King.

For a person that was pretty indifferent to some of Kings work, I was greatly impressed by these books, which so far have been far from dissapointing.

Might start on One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest next.
I didnt know people still read Mein Kampf. But Hitler is an interesting character--in his drive to recreate the world, not his terrible beliefs--, and one I think any artist who dabbles in non-artistic activies can relate to.

Anyway, I just reread Fyodor Sologub's The Petty Demon. It was even more humorous and wickedly delightful the second time around.
I didnt know people still read Mein Kampf. But Hitler is an interesting character--in his drive to recreate the world, not his terrible beliefs--, and one I think any artist who dabbles in non-artistic activies can relate to.

Anyway, I just reread Fyodor Sologub's The Petty Demon. It was even more humorous and wickedly delightful the second time around.

It's hard to say one could relate to Hitler, but I could empathise with aspects of his persona. Weird topic, I suppose.

The Petty Demon is fantastic. I may now re-read it myself. :)
It's hard to say one could relate to Hitler, but I could empathise with aspects of his persona. Weird topic, I suppose.

The Petty Demon is fantastic. I may now re-read it myself. :)

Well I dont know, I;ve read The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich by Shirer (great book) and Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler. What I find fascinating is how he wished to make his dreams for a new world a reality; how he truly believed these dreams and was beyond reproach; how he surrounded himself increasingly by toadys and fools; how he soon became deluded with his dreams of grandeur, and refused to look reality in the eye; and this petit bourgeois artistic mentality of his. Its all very interesting. I suppose my artistic anarchic nihilism conditions my strange empathy though.

And yes, there's a little too much dialogue in the Petty Demon, but what wonderful devilish, and actually Chekhovian dialogue it is. I;ve said it numerous times before, but the Russian Symbolists (the cousins of the French Fin de Siecle or Decadents) were perhaps the most interesting and talented writers and literary generation I know of. A shame those Soviets ruined everything, and many of these works took years to even get translated.
It may be edging more on pop-culture reading than you're accustomed to when it comes to Russian literature, but have you read any of Boris Akunin's Erast Fandorin detective novels? I found them to be quite compelling, lively and fun.

I'd very much like to catch the Russian language movies based on them sometime too.
It may be edging more on pop-culture reading than you're accustomed to when it comes to Russian literature, but have you read any of Boris Akunin's Erast Fandorin detective novels? I found them to be quite compelling, lively and fun.

I'd very much like to catch the Russian language movies based on them sometime too.

I have not read this Akunin guys novels. But I shall look it up.

Reading Will Self's Book of Dave. I dont think it works, but he's got balls for trying such an outrageous story.
Elizabeth the Great by Elizabeth Jenkins.

Right now, in the book, I'm at a really fabulous part where the author is describing the effects of all of the beheadings on the future Queen. Quite awesome and gruesome.
I have not read this Akunin guys novels. But I shall look it up.

Reading Will Self's Book of Dave. I dont think it works, but he's got balls for trying such an outrageous story.

Do so, they are hardly the stuff of revelation but they are nicely written and the narrative is concise and draws you into a finely crafted fable. I think they begin with the Winter Queen and carry on from there. (I may be wrong, though!) The characterisation is quite adept so I think you may enjoy the series.

Will Self is such an interesting character. He guest presented a show called Shooting Stars (a wonderful show!) and he was completely hilarious.
Right now I'm reading 'Ghost.' It's a compendium of short ghost stories. After that I'm going to read 'The Sun Also Rises' by Hemingway again.
Oh not Hemingway! :erk:

The desk currently has space for a large compendium of essays on elements of Nazi historiography and Pirsig's Lila.