what are you reading?

I just got Neuromancer by William Gibson but haven't started reading it yet.... currently reading:

Perfume by Suskind

The Broker by John Grisham (my favorite author)
I've been wanting to read really out there Sci-Fi, books that will really make my brain melt. Books similar to those by Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke. Can anyone make any recommendations?
Unemployment Insurance Claimant Handbook. :waah:

Capitalism isn't all it's cracked up to be. :bah:
Capitalism is not so bad if you know how to manipulate it to your advantange... in other words working for others is not the way to go... work for yourself...

Anyways I finished Perfume by Suskind... definetly did not expect the ending.... :OMG: and i rented the DVD movie of the book... very good movie though as always the book is always better then the movie itself... but it was very close to the book... maybe just 1 important scene or 2 missing from the movie... but do not watch the movie first... you will not understand what is going on... read the book first...

Currently started reading Neuromancer by Gibson... so far I like it but it's difficult to follow because of made up words that I never heard before... and I am almost done with The Broker by Grisham...
I've been wanting to read really out there Sci-Fi, books that will really make my brain melt. Books similar to those by Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke. Can anyone make any recommendations?

l started with Asimov and still think his shit dont stink, but there are SOOOOO many great modern day sci-fi writers out there my friend it is hard to know what to recommend.

Dan Simmons - Ilium (my favourite)
- Olympus
Iain M Banks - pretty much everything! Probably the best modern sci-fi writer!
Michael Marshal Smith - Spares, One of us, Only Forward - fucking ace.
Petef F Hamilton - same
Stephen Baxter - skip the Manifold stuff and go straight to his Destiny's Children series
Neil Asher - grand space opera stuff - very good - Polity stories are great
Robert Reed - Marrow, The Well of Stars
Sean Williams and Shane Dix - the Earth series stuff is brilliant
this is just a few examples on the top of my head but
there is sooo much out there mate you have to explore past the old dogs - as great as they were! :)
My junior year's English teacher's novel.
Melody by Dan Cooke

crime and punishment for fyodor desteovesky-->amazing book!!

Dostoevsky is my favorite author, just finished The Idiot for the second time.

Currently reading American Lion by Jon Meacham. About Andrew Jackson's years in the White House. It's a pretty good read if you're into this sort of stuff. Follows well in the vain of John Adams by David McCollough
The last apprentice is really good. And for those who live in Quebec L'argent Du Monde is the book that you HAVE to read.
I've just started The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan and Barbara Pease. I picked it up from someone I work with and thought it seemed very interesting. It's animated with illustrations and pictures for examples of which body language sign you may see in a certain situation.