I've been wanting to read really out there Sci-Fi, books that will really make my brain melt. Books similar to those by Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke. Can anyone make any recommendations?
l started with Asimov and still think his shit dont stink, but there are SOOOOO many great modern day sci-fi writers out there my friend it is hard to know what to recommend.
Dan Simmons - Ilium (my favourite)
- Olympus
Iain M Banks - pretty much everything! Probably the best modern sci-fi writer!
Michael Marshal Smith - Spares, One of us, Only Forward - fucking ace.
Petef F Hamilton - same
Stephen Baxter - skip the Manifold stuff and go straight to his Destiny's Children series
Neil Asher - grand space opera stuff - very good - Polity stories are great
Robert Reed - Marrow, The Well of Stars
Sean Williams and Shane Dix - the Earth series stuff is brilliant
this is just a few examples on the top of my head but
there is sooo much out there mate you have to explore past the old dogs - as great as they were!