what are you reading?

Currently Kon Tiki. Been busy and haven't been able to read it much because of my job. But I'm going to finish it before I take the SAT later this year so I can get into a university at least.
Really? The manga I read is set in 2030.

If I remember correctly, the events leading to Tetsuo's awakening happen circa 2019 but then when the manga skips to the world after Akira's awakening (ie the post-apocalyptic period) it's 2030.

But I could be wrong since it's been years and I'm only just re-reading book one.
you guys like manga?
I adored the TV version of Neon Genesis Evangelion and have read the first 11 volumes of the manga.
Maybe it's time to get hold of the last few books.

the movie, on the other hand, I hated. It's supposed to be a classic, but I just don't get it!
better than akira!
Very easy for me to believe.
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I got an advance copy of the medical thriller The Hollow Men by debut author Rob McCarthy.

I really enjoyed the book. I plan to post a review of it, but there's something holding it back that I can't reveal right now. Hopefully soon. But know that I did like the book a lot.
I'm currently reading Vocabulum; or, The Rogue's Lexicon by George W. Matsell. It's fascinating to read gangster slang of the 1840s. Who would have thought that immigrant Irish antisocials and their gutter talk would influence our use of the English language to a great extent. The fact that the book was first published from the time adds to its authenticity and myth.

My current reads are Angels And Demons by Dan Brown (not my cup of tea, but something about Illuminati just hooked me up. Plus it was with a big discount) and Witch Hammer (Really hard and kind of boring but witch burning...)