what are you reading?

Right now I am reading :

The Convoluted Universe By Dolores Cannon (I am only about 1/4 through but it covers topics of parallel universes,different dimensions,metaphysics/physics plus a Ufo/E.T element).
I started this after reading her book called "the custodians" which is based on ufo abduction "loosely" in the sense that it covers so much more which in case..leads to "the convoluted universe" book1-there is also a sequel in book 2...Highly recommended author and the aforementioned titles .

On the side in between I have been reading "Blue World" By Robert McCammon a collection of 13 short stories written at different points in his career.
I highly recommend anything by robert mccammon if your into Horror/Suspense Et Cetera.
Just finished The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley. Very well written books but I would have to say IMO The Doors of Perception was much better than Heaven and Hell. This could be in part because in The Doors it explains why psychedelic drugs can do what they do, also he explains his trip on mescalin in detail which was pretty interesting. H&H talks about this as well but focuses more in on materials us around that open those doors such as paintings, landscapes, and different lights.

Also I'm just about to start on Brave New World also by Aldous Huxley.
Just finished reading Tom Brown's school days by Thomas Hughes for college. Was alright but not exactly easy reading, no way I would pick it myself. He makes the same points in every chapter really, it's a bit boring. Very very very very very Christian. If you're agnostic like me it will be annoying. Dickensian bits; theres a tiny tim like character and tales of poor people who don't follow Christianity etc. Meh.
erm...... it's gets interesting but it is very annoying still. I don't know, a boy goes to a boarding school and goes off playing tricks and things and eventually grows into a man. The headmaster at the school is an actual one and he is an important character in it. There is a lot of criticism of changes in society, for example the construction of railways and the decling community erm strength or something like that. It goes way ott with the moralising though. Stoning chickens is ok but not getting confirmed is not. There is a bit were he is physically attracted to his friends mother, or at least that's part of it, anyway that was screwed. Healthy body + healthy mind = a good guy; that's a big point. Be a Christian. I do like the story it's just the language and the way the author keeps butting in and having a rant that are annoying. I have no interest in sport either, and that was a big deal in the book.
De Bello Gallico and Z for Zachariah, both of which I've read tons of times before. Can never go wrong with something you love.
I just got done with the George RR Martin's, "Song of Ice and Fire" trillogy and Robin Hobbs, "Farseer" trilogy. both were absolutly amazing!

i just picked up
"The Knight" by Gene Wolfe.
Just finished Deadhouse Gates from Steven Erikson for the 2nd time, gonna start reading Luftslottet som sprengte from Stieg Larsson in 10ish minuts i guess
Holy Grail, some book about egyptology and origins of what we know as "the devil" and one about masons and templars. I want to read A clockwork orange again though i loved that one.
The Satyricon in the original. Comparing it with the Sullivan translation of the 70s to see how it measures up against the new one.
I just finished a ridiculously good sci fi novel, Eifelheim, by Michael Flynn. Most of the story takes place in the Middle Ages, but part of the tale involves a present day historian and physicist who are both studying events related to the bulk of the story that is taking place in the past. As a historical novel dealing with the medieval period it is not as good as Umberto Eco's Name of the Rose, but Flynn manages to recreate the period in excellent detail. More importantly the characters are memorable.

Currently reading The Terror by Dan Simmons. Also historical, dealing with the doomed voyage of the Erebus and Terror during their attempt to forge the Northwest Passage two centuries ago. Of course being Simmons, he also throws a nasty arctic beast at the poor buggers, as if the pack ice and related conditions aren't enough!