What are you wearing right now?

Plain' ol some shade of green shirt and blueish sport trousers.

And, to finally state something to the thread or rather it's side-discussions (*g*): what's so problematic about running around almost-naked? In the summer, I can fit with just ma shorts. Nothing more. You don't have to like the view.

Okay, to spare people at school, I tend to apply a t-shirt. :)

Originally posted by towo
Plain' ol some shade of green shirt and blueish sport trousers.

And, to finally state something to the thread or rather it's side-discussions (*g*): what's so problematic about running around almost-naked? In the summer, I can fit with just ma shorts. Nothing more. You don't have to like the view.

Okay, to spare people at school, I tend to apply a t-shirt. :)


that's what i do too :D

and you have NO IDEA how hot it can get in here !
Right now, black jeans, black socks and an Einherjer-Norwegian native art t-shirt.
As well as my Tors-hammer of course ;)