What are your thoughts on AC/DC?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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AC/DC is universally revered. They're an influence to many of our fav bands. However, I'm not sold on them.

Back in my pre-teen years, they were one of the first "metal" bands I discovered (1984, or so).

Of course, I love the "Back in Black" record and most of "For Those About to Rock" and "Flick of the Switch". However, IMO, most of their records contain a few good tunes, sometimes classics, but then TONS of filler.

The "Bon Scott" era can provide an awesome 'best of', but I just can't get into any of the albums in their entirety. Too much fluff.

And just about anything they've released after "Flick" has been poor to dreadful.

Of course, people say that they write & release the same record every few years.....but this goes beyond that. I'm not sure that that "one record" they write & release is even all that good.

What are your thoughts?
I think AC/DC are very loyal to their style and fans, and I have lotta respect for that. My opinion is also their older work is better, but I tend to feel like this for most "big" metal bands... But I will like them allways, they have a list of classics that are just too catchy to pass by...
Ihave only "Who Made Who" and a tribute. Some nice songs, never followed them, but the 'You Shook Me All Night Long' video plain rules :D
I like all their stuff with Bon Scott, and their "Back In Black" album. That's about it, they've always been a pretty consistent Hard Rock band though.
I likes me some AC/DC but then again if you live in Kentucky and DON'T like AC/DC you are labelled a pantywaist. I love all the Bon stuff. And I really love FLY ON THE WALL. I think that's the best album they've done with Brian besided Back In Black. But i gotta say I don't buy any of their newer stuff. I lost interest. The last AC/DC I bought was Razor's Edge. but like the Stones I think they kill live! I see 'em live on every tour possible! Have seen 'em a few times!
What do I think about AC/DC?! Well, if you own Back In Black, Highway to Hell & For Those About to Rock, you have the best material the band have ever issued. I like them, but I think they are highly overrated. What other band besides AC/DC can get away with releasing the same record over & over for the last 30 years?!
They are sloppy musicians, but when you bring them together they click...
Yip, AC/DC has become a little stale over the past couple of years...but, they're Music as always, is still very unique, AC/DC R in a unmatched class of their own. A very loyal and dedicated band, Unlike others....agum...Metallica(k). :cry:
They're live shows still kick! :kickass:
Well... :headbang: ...I still dig em'!!!
SoundMaster said:
However, IMO, most of their records contain a few good tunes, sometimes classics, but then TONS of filler.

The "Bon Scott" era can provide an awesome 'best of', but I just can't get into any of the albums in their entirety. Too much fluff.

I'd really like to hear exactly what songs are filler on, say, Highway To Hell album... :err:

I personally love Bon Scott era, loads of energy and great songs performed by one of the best rock voices ever. Back In Black is ok, For Those and Razor's Edge too, but never really dug the rest of their catalogue that much...
Always felt that Johnson was a bad Scott impersonator, never liked him...
But Bon Scott... :worship:
SickBoy said:
I personally love Bon Scott era, loads of energy and great songs performed by one of the best rock voices ever. Back In Black is ok, For Those and Razor's Edge too, but never really dug the rest of their catalogue that much...
Always felt that Johnson was a bad Scott impersonator, never liked him...
But Bon Scott... :worship:
I agree with every word written here. Thanks SickBoy. You just saved me a lot of time. :tickled:
At least they're pretty much consistant over the years, I'll be a loyal fan no matter what they put forward I guess, though I must agree they haven't been as good since Razor's Edge.
sixxswine said:
What other band besides AC/DC can get away with releasing the same record over & over for the last 30 years?!
Status Quo? ;)

Back In Black is an essential album that everyone should own.
I might be biased coz I'm Australian and everyone here loves them but I think they are one of the best rock bands ever.

I think the only era in which they were stale was Who Made Who through to Ballbreaker which is only 4 albums. The Bon era is great, Back In Black to Fly On The Wall is their best era, and Stiff Upper Lip is probably their best since Flick of The Switch!

I couldn't give a fuck about them individually as musicians, that's not what a band is about. They are a great, solid band who ROCKS HARD and always have. They play rock & roll in its most pure form that is out there and probably the biggest direct musical influence on most of the '80s hard rock scene... Those sassy grooves, nasty hooks over the top, open chord riffs & arena rock drum beat laid down the groundwork for what hard rock was for a whole decade.