What band vocalist would you like to throw down a flight of concrete steps?

Originally posted by FailingAcension
Fred. It would be funny. I would have Rollin', Rollin' playin' so that he would die having to hear that horrible song.

If I had to listen to Rollin', I'd probably throw myself down the stairs...
I'd have to say any and all of these pathetic and unbelievably gay "nu-metal" band members, especially the ones that use "ebonics" or any sort of rap element. I thankfully am never subjected to this filth. I never listen to the radio and the TV stays cold and dark. The only exception is that I love movies and it's inevitable that one of these abortions are on the goddamn soundtrack!
Fuck 'em all. Send them down a stairway made of broken glass and razors that stretches all the way to the darkened depths of hell. :heh: :devil: :devil:
Originally posted by Guardian of Darkness
If I had to listen to Rollin', I'd probably throw myself down the stairs...

You silly fool. I would have my headphones on listening to Cryptopsy-Loathe so only he could hear Rollin'. ;)
what is throwing Avril through a window gonna accomplish? she's just a hot little wannabe punk rocker. But seriously I'd throw the guys from metallica down a flight of stairs, then kick the shit out of them for making two shitty album, then force them into the studio at gun point and make them put out some master of puppets heavy as fuck shit.
Originally posted by MURAI
"I wouldn't throw Chester from Linkin Park though, he actually has vocal talent. "- SculptedCold
I don't think so dude. The guy sounds like a 14 year old kid whining and screaming about his girlfriend that dumped him. (No offence dude) That Chester kid will run off screaming when he hears my vocals. Hehehehe

Don't get me wrong, his voice and lyrics aren't up to much, but try keeping the notes he hits going for as long as he does at the volume he sings at. And keep doing it live. It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination. He must have a cadaverous lung capacity.
That clown from Puddle Of Mudd...I hate that band, and every time I see that jackass, he has a fucking smirk on his face that I'd like to wipe off with one of my steeltoes! This would have to be done while listening to Like Fire by Bloodbath!
"You silly fool. I would have my headphones on listening to Cryptopsy-Loathe so only he could hear Rollin'. "

Dahahaha. Good point.
Originally posted by TexunNYC
OMG -- what an EXCELLENT thread!

I have been a long-time hater of lead singers, period -- especially those that don't play an instrument -- and a comprehensive list of folks deserving this honour is long indeed!!

Top Honours This Week Go To:

Dude from Shadows Fall


Chick from Arch Enemy

I'd be hard-pressed to name two people more deserving of bodily harm for Crimes Against Metal.

I'll be hanging w/ the Hammerfall guys tomorrow night and FULLLY expect that this guy will usurp Shadows Fall guy, no doubt!

LOL whats wrong with Brain from Shadows Fall???
He's a pretty cool guy , dreds are kind of frightening though lol.

But in relation to the topic , I would have to say the asshole from LINKIN PARK !!! god I hate him!!!!!!!!!!! and ANY Power Metal vocalist , except the dude from Hammerfall but other then him I hope all power metal vocalist die. They all sound like they got there balls clipped or something.
I like Heavy Metal but the guy from Skylark I just Can't stand to hear him sing it's just Awful!!!!!!!!!

The song backwards would be Three Times from The Haunted
I'll add a few.

I would have thrown that fuck from Drowning Pool if he hadn't have already croaked, man he fucking sucked.

Rob Flynn - his ego is out of control and his music has gone so far down hill it's not even funny. I would stomp the shit out of his wigger face and play "Burn My Eyes" in the background.