What bands shouldn't people listen to?

I really don't see the appeal of NA, the vocals are like rusty nails on a blackboard IMO.
You serious?

You have to be the only person who has ever disliked Tenacious D. I'm impressed, in a weird way.

Mind me asking why you don't like 'em?

Oh and for the record, no one should listen to Bloodbrawl. Unless they wish to die. Our musics so heavy it kills suns.
I can't say I hate Tenacious D, never really listened to them, but I do dislike Jack Black. Unfunny wanker.
Hi I'm new here, but i seen earlier in this fourme that you guys were talking about christian metal bands, has anyone heard of deliverance? they kick so much fuckin ass.have a listen, and be sure to check out more.
