What computer chassis to get?


I'm in the market for a new computer chassis. Right now we have an Antec model, but it's a desktop version and it actually get pretty damn loud after being on for a while. So I'm looking for something more quiet!

I'm thinking about getting another Antec to replace it, but a tower model this time. I'll move everything over from the other chassis so I don't need a power supply (will just get a new processor since the old Pentium D installed now is a bit lazy).

So what I'm thinking about the P182. For one thing, it LOOKS really amazing, totally clean and very stylish. But does anyone here have any experience with it? Of course, it's a bit expensive... Are there any other models that someone would recommend? Well in the end, I'd really pay a bit extra to get rid of the noise, but if there is something similar for cheaper, please let me know!

Thanks in advance.
I'm using an Antec tower on my recording system. I put low noise chassis fans in it, replacing the cheap stock ones, and it cut down on the noise. I did upgrade the power supply when I put a new motherboard in, and unfortunately, the power supply throttles the fan in the PS depending on the load. At certain speeds it sounds annoying. I'd stick with a power supply that has a low noise fan, too. Some shops will let you buy the chassis and upgrade the power supply if you pay the difference. It's worth asking.
The P182 is what I was going to recommend, http://www.antec.com/usa/productDetails.php?id=81820&lan=us
check out the awards and reviews of it.
It's very quiet and has excellent cooling. Only other model I would recommend is the mini version of that (mini p180).
It's not that expensive, most you should have to pay for it is $149, regularly seen between $115-130 online
move up to a quad core, its so cheap now!

when I build my quad in the next couple months this is what I'm getting.
The P182 is what I was going to recommend, http://www.antec.com/usa/productDetails.php?id=81820&lan=us
check out the awards and reviews of it.
It's very quiet and has excellent cooling. Only other model I would recommend is the mini version of that (mini p180).
It's not that expensive, most you should have to pay for it is $149, regularly seen between $115-130 online
move up to a quad core, its so cheap now!

when I build my quad in the next couple months this is what I'm getting.

Cool! I actually went out and bought a P182 yesterday already, I found so many good reviews everywhere so it just felt stupid to go with anything else.

Now I have to try to find a good power supply though. What are you using, or what would you recommend? I heard that a Corsair works very well with this chassis, was thinking about a 520W model.

53crew: Cheers! I guess you're not using the P182? From what I've read the stock fans in it are pretty good. It also doesn't come with power supply so I'll try to pick something good for that. So damn expensive though when everything is added up in the end...
Now I have to try to find a good power supply though. What are you using, or what would you recommend? I heard that a Corsair works very well with this chassis, was thinking about a 520W model.
Depends what components you are using for the PC. Definitely go with a reputable brand, like Corsair, Antec, OCZ, Thermaltake, etc. And don't cheap out. The PSU is, obviously, very important. I have a 580W Mushkin modular PSU that has made me proud.
53crew: Cheers! I guess you're not using the P182? From what I've read the stock fans in it are pretty good. It also doesn't come with power supply so I'll try to pick something good for that. So damn expensive though when everything is added up in the end...

No. I have an older mid-tower, but it's been a good unit. I just wish the higher capacity power supply I put in it was quieter. ;)

Anyway, I don't think you can go wrong with Antec chassis. That P182 looks sweet. Maybe I'll pick one up for my next build. :)
Now I have to try to find a good power supply though. What are you using, or what would you recommend? I heard that a Corsair works very well with this chassis, was thinking about a 520W model.

I'm using and recommending TAGAN PSUs.
I've got Tagan TG430-U22 430W which is no more available but the brand has some new series called Below Zero with VERY stable voltages, quiet fans and modular (unplugable) cables.
I'm into computer hardware for over ten years, always selecting it carefully. These PSUs i can recommend.
Antec is the only desktop case I would ever buy. Although I switched to rack mount chassis a while back so I've been out of the case loop for a bit.
Antec? Bah! You want a case designed for real noise suppression, get an Arctic Cooling case:


I've got one of these & it's a whisper.

Bottom is decoupled on rubber pucks, HD is shock mounted, big, low-rotation fans, power supply is in the bottom... It's awesome.

I remember dropping by a computer shop owned by a friend. He showed it to me saying, "isn't this the goofiest design?" I looked it over & bought it on the spot.
Hmm, that's pretty sweet Oz - if I were ever to build a custom PC (I can't afford to be without a laptop right now), I'd definitely look into that!