building a computer

People saying that GFX card are noisy doesn't really what they talk about. If you get one with a good aftermarket cooler it's pretty much silent in idle, and when you're gaming you are probably using a headset and won't notice it either.
Ok, so this thing is a boss!!

Everything up and running. Only started to get plugins and stuff loaded onto it.

The case is a Cooler Master and has a huge fan on top and my bassist told me I should most likely get another fan for the side which I'll get when I figure out what monitor and keyboard I want. Borrowing monitor, keyboard, and mouse from a buddy for now.

It is slightly noisy with the fan running, I will admit that.

I only have one gripe: I get internet popups.

I don't have a wireless card in this thing. So I steal net connection off my laptop through ethernet for now so I can do all my updates etc.

I installed Avast antivirus like I have used on my past 3 laptops, but are PC's more vulnerable to popups and these types of things moreso than laptops?!

I'll come here to the forum and as soon as I click on a link, I get a popup. Usually they are telling me to upgrade my Flash player, which is already upgraded.

Any suggestions? I mean, I am using the free version of Avast, but it's ALWAYS worked totally great for me in the past.
What browser do you use? I don't even use antivirus, never needed to since I switched to win 7 in 2009. I remember getting more ads with mozilla firefox at some point but switched to chrome and the problem is gone.
Microsoft Security Essentials (free antivirus and it's awesome)
Comodo Firewall (free version)

Firefox with addons (that are for security):
WOT (WebOfTrust)
Installed AdBlock.

No popups so far, but I still get these stupid little things/links when my mouse hovers over them they bring up little ad windows.

It might be an extension installed in your PC but might aswell be a virus/malware/whatever it's called. I have to go now, will check this later.
Had the same problem, it's an extension in chrome, look around for anything funny and disable/delete it.
Although now a days, Video card + Motherboard will do fine sharing the same RAM, but, I'm still one of the old school guys and would rather prefer a separate graphics card, nothing too crazy though because it is indeed extra fan noise, same with a separate audio card, but more than likely you'll have an interface so that doesn't matter. As far as SSD, sure, if you want something great, SSD is probably the best upgrade one can make to their PC, but... I'm using a typical 7200 RPM hard drive and I'm doing just fine. Whenever I build a PC, I first take a look at CPUbenchmark to see what the highest rated CPU is that I can afford, then I find a motherboard that will support that CPU, (of course I make sure its a reputable motherboard), and then I go from there, CPU Fan, PSU, Ram, HD, etc. Make sure you have a FIREWIRE port, or buy a Texas Instrument firewire PCI card. And its always nice to have front 2.0 USBs on the PC case. Good luck.
Just for shits and giggles, I slapped a quick midi drum loop with 6 tracks - each track with an instance of SSD Essentials loaded, and CPU didn't even hit 6%.

I guess that is good, right? :)

EDIT: Duplicated tracks to 12, with SSD on each track. Started to get a liiiiitle bogged down but, goddamn, this thing is a beast!!

Even if you load every vst kontakt library known to man at once you'd probably still have enough RAM to work with. In most PCs the bottleneck is the CPU.

While I agree with the fact that CPU is the most important component, I still say, if you can afford more of anything, go for it.

Right now 16gb ram may be overkill but in the next few years it will more than likely be standard. So your computer will just be a complete beast full of unused potential right now and in 3 or 4 years it'll still compete with modern machines.

Think back to like 6 or 7 years ago when most desktops only had 512mb or 1gb.
That's true but 6 or 7 years ago desktops had way worse cpus than they do now. 2/4 GBs of Ram has been the standard for quite a few years while new CPUs come out all the time. So I bet that in 3 or 4 years your pc won't be able to compete because of the other components and you will still have lots of unused RAM. :D Not to mention that DDR4 rams should be released soon and they will probably be significantly faster. IMO investing in a really high-end pc hoping that it will last you a lifetime usually doesn't work out. I think it's better to have an average or slightly above average PC as long as it's new and uses the current technology. That is if you're on a budget and money is an issue. ;)