Two blocks from my street, the home of a close friend from grade school whom I am still close to, was broken into. These two intruders were apparently looking to rob this kids house, his family was in there obviously... and his rottweiler Tiny (MASSIVE DOG, absolutely huge and kind hearted and adorable) went to go fuck up the guys, and they shot him and killed him grabbed some shit and ran out
The guys were apparently pretty crazy to try to rob a house DURING THE DAY in a NON GHETTO neighborhood. There weren't any cars there though, so they probably thought no one was home. Marc is glad Tiny was there to protect his cousins because the guys were armed. But it's so sad that they shot the dog, he protected his family I guess.
He was killed instantly so I hope he didn't suffer much
R.I.P Tiny. I'm glad Marc and his family are safe now though, though one member short.