What do Opeth thinks about Cradle of Filth?

Originally posted by _Transparent_
no im serious, they used to do it a lot back in the days, less so now. im not 100% sure but the bloke from Thorns had something to do with that sorta stuff, i think, not sure at all really.

It was Emperor, Burzum and Mayhem, I think there were others, too. I'm not sure if Snorre from Thorns was involved, but he was in jail for eight years as Varg Vikernes's accomplaice for the murder of Euronymous.
Originally posted by Stinkfist

It was Emperor, Burzum and Mayhem, I think there were others, too. I'm not sure if Snorre from Thorns was involved, but he was in jail for eight years as Varg Vikernes's accomplaice for the murder of Euronymous.

He was involved in Euronymous' murder? I have never heard this anywhere, as most sources merely indicate that he had been in some sort of musical hibernation over the past few years.
Originally posted by crimsonfloyd

In interveiws hes critized the music of Helloween, Metallica, Dream Theater and that black metal band who burnt down the church in Norway ( he didnt say they're name he just hinted twards them). He also critized Morbid Angel, but not for they're music but for being egotisical jerks or something like that. Anyways you can read the interviews here although I dont remeber which ones they were so it could take a while. http://opeth.darkwood.com/

He critcized DT?
I read some interviews and this is what i found...

Dream Theater?

"I've seen them live a couple of times and the only thing is that the vocalist gets on my nerves most of the time but the drummer is just... I mean live, he's the one who really pulls the band up. And the guitarist is fucking amazing! You know I still get impressed by people's musical abilities so I really like to listen to that guitar wizard stuff and drummers. I really love that. It's nothing that we try to strive for personally with Opeth being like a wizard band because we're nowhere near comparable to something like Yngwie Malmsteen or whatever. -Mikael
When Opeth played in the Underworld in London. Mike said: "we haven't played here since we played with Cradle of Filth.

......everyone booed :D

He apologised and said: "I dunno we only played with them"

little insight for you there :)

I think he was keeping his cards close to his chest!
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Didn't Count Grishnack or whatever his name is (from Burzum) kill Eurononymous?

holy crap!

where have you been for the last decade!!!

he out a knife in his head like 50 times and it got stuck. Apparently he had to trap Euronymous' head under his foot to wrench it out...
Originally posted by NovembersDirge
Snorre was involved as was Faust, which is the REAL guy from Thorns, hence Faust being in jail. Read Lords of Chaos, it's a good book giving all that info.
Faust was imprisoned for a different murder. Thorns was Snorre's band, Faust was in Emperor, but I think he contributed to the Thorns album.
Originally posted by veil the sky
When Opeth played in the Underworld in London. Mike said: "we haven't played here since we played with Cradle of Filth.

......everyone booed :D

He apologised and said: "I dunno we only played with them"

little insight for you there :)

I think he was keeping his cards close to his chest!

Actually he said something "bad" about CoF (he was just joking of course) .. I can't quite remember what, but that's why they "booed".. I think a guy even cursed Mikael and he laughed.. well unless my English really sucks, that's how things happened :)