What do we mean by "groove" in thrash / death metal?

:lol: I've always hated Pantera and since they were referred to as "groove metal", I hated anything else groove consequently. This is why I'm trying to find a better understanding of the term groove, and I am finding that I do not hate all groove.
There are two styles of Groove. Bad Groove is stuff like Pantera, southern rock types of bands like BLS, and Machine Head type pseudo-thrash. Groove in Thrash Metal generally tends to be bad, but it often is essential to Death and Doom Metal.
Regardless of what BLS are, I can't even stomach listening to them anymore after them siding against Iron Maiden in the Sharon Osbourne debacle...

Ugh, red neck metal = white trash
just for fun...

wikipedia said:
In popular music groove, used in the sense of rhythm, is a term for metre and its embellishment by a rhythm section. Richard Middleton (1999) describes, "the concept of groove - a term now theorized by analysts but long familiar in musicians' own usage - marks an understanding of rhythmic patterning that underlies its role in producing the characteristic rhythmic 'feel' of a piece, a feel created by a repeating framework within which variation can then take place."
lurch70 said:
SKINLESS ... check out the FAT balls out DM groove on this track ... this has to be KRANKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have to check that out. Their first two were really fun albums but then they turned to shit with From Sacrifice To Survival. I hope they learned their lesson.
never heard them before and they have been around for quite awhile ... but this new disc is sure brutal

Henrikmain would eat this up ...
one of the guys that works with me from Romania just completed a music video for this band LOUDRAGE from there ... seriously awesome groovy death metal
http://www.myspace.com/loudrage ... check out "another one of us" ... will have a video upped for it in a few days.
The groove in the track "Soulless" by Grave is the epitome of the type of headbanging groove I love and what separates good old school death metal from the bad IMO.

P.S. - Whoa, I never realized that HHH sang for Grave! :loco:
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