What do women want?

They probably want people who can spell "what" and "women."

aww.. just kidding :)

TYPICAL women want: fast cars, lots of money, and a big cock.

GENUINE women want: long-term companionship, trust, emotion, and security

DREAM women want: Me. I can't believe I found one.

I think an equally valid question is.. What do MEN want? Aside from the sex and the.. sex. They have to have a preference. Do a lot of Opethian males like typical-looking girls? Or only go for the more freakish variety? Anyone here ever had an online relationship (even one that became real?) What is the validity of an online relationship? What is the validity of a loveless monogamous skank relationship?

I'm rambling. Feel free to ignore me completely, or just to answer a few questions.

And women.. time for you to answer this thread as well!
'What do men want'...

Well, i'm male, and i don't want anything. Truthfully. If i find someone that i can love, and someone that equally loves me, then great. But i'm a realistic person, i know it's not going to happen, so i don't need anyone. Sex isn't even an issue with me, i'm not the 'typical male' that wants to get laid as often as possible; I couldn't care less either way. If you are a slave to your compulsions and impulses, then you have no mind of your own. I am a mentally strong person, and i am no slave to anything or anyone...

Ramblin', Ramblin' Ramblin'.... :D
Originally posted by Duvall
They probably want people who can spell "what" and "women." aww.. just kidding :)
Yeah, I was thinking that. Proofread, people!!! :p

Originally posted by Duvall
Anyone here ever had an online relationship (even one that became real?) What is the validity of an online relationship?
I've never had one. I've only met one person in real life that I've talked to online, and it wasn't really a "meeting." I found his website by doing a search for "Opeth," and turned out he lived near me, so we talked briefly at the show. We talked on IM a bit after that, but it was weird.

Usually I think talking to someone online and then meeting them in person, much less dating someone that way, is kinda sketchy. BUT I think it's definitely different for us on this board because many of us have a certain personality that isn't very common in the world. I don't just mean being Opeth fans, but thinkers. I have about five friends, only one of which I truly respect, in real life. But I always look forward to conversing with you guys. And I'd love to get together, as was mentioned. Who knows? Maybe the reason I like so many of you is because I know you in such a limited capacity that it doesn't give me a chance to hate you. But I think there's more to it than that -- when I read what some of you write, it's my words exactly. Yet, when I walk around campus, I feel like there's not a single person like me.

My point is, if you're just some teeny bopper who meets some loser in an AOL chatroom, you must have something wrong with you to actually pursue that kind of relationship. But with us, I could see making real friendships. ;)

Originally posted by Duvall
And women.. time for you to answer this thread as well!
As for what women want -- well, geez, obviously it's different for each woman, all cliches aside. Sure, media puts forth this picture of just wanting money and a big cock, but media also puts forth that everyone loves Britney Spears. And we know that's not true.

It's not rocket science. I personally want a stable guy that challenges me intellectually, someone I respect, someone with common sense...and nice eyes are great too. And I got lucky. :cool:
All comments that follow in no way represent anyone in specifics - they are meant only as generalities (hey, why can't I write a disclaimer - I see them everyday)

For one thing - women want men to act more like women do.

Men suck at relationships, spell compassion as follows:fuck, and only pretend to care about women more than themselves.

Oh yeah, and stamina doesn't hurt either (anything but those 30sec. to 1min. shorties).

By nature, women seem to have better balance. Men are supposed to add that hint of strength, just enough not to be brash and egotiscal, but enough for the women to feel that in a crunch, you'll be there.

The ability to talk about things other than sports, your buddies, or food and drink.

In short, a women wants a companion.

Im fairly certainly NOT a woman... And all i want is a companion... Does that make me less of a man than anyone else?

many of us have a certain personality that isn't very common in the world. I don't just mean being Opeth fans, but thinkers

I agree with you LINA, that is why i come here. Does anyone else realize that there is actually very few threads about Opeth on this forum??

I have about five friends, only one of which I truly respect, in real life

I have in total about five freinds aswell, but none of them know who i am, and i have no respect for any of them as people, only because they are my freinds. I know exactly what you mean.
Originally posted by Trapped

Im fairly certainly NOT a woman... And all i want is a companion... Does that make me less of a man than anyone else?

All I wanted was a companion - and I found one - and I've been married for 20+ years to her.

I said I was generalizing - and why would wanting a companion make you less of a man? In whose definition of a man are we talking about?

I'm not an expert on women - but from MY perspective, and the fact I've stayed VERY HAPPILY married for 20+ years, I've obtained a "decent" feel for the opposite sex. And that "companionship" makes you and I decent person. It really boils down to being a person, a human being. I think both sexes want the other to just act human.
Sorry CPA, I just realized how attacking my thread sounded. I didn't mean it to be, i was actually asking you that, not being sarcastic or anything...

...I know you were generalizing, you even put a semi-disclaimer at the start ( :lol: )
Originally posted by Duvall
Do a lot of Opethian males like typical-looking girls? Or only go for the more freakish variety?

That's an interesting question, because when I think about it I tend to be more attracted to those on the freakier end of the scale. I like something different in a woman. But I guess it depends on what you mean by freakish - appearance or personality? Some people look like total freaks but turn out to be the nicest person you've ever met. That's always a pretty cool surprise.
we have come to wreck everything and to ruin your life......God sent us -Romper Stomper i think that says it all dosnt it you bleeding heart THINKERS are nothing but bleeding heart POOFTERS FUCK OFF and yes TRAPPED it does make you less of a man it makes you a big fat man lover get some pussy follow your animal in side or is your dick too small:lol:
Originally posted by Trapped
Sorry CPA, I just realized how attacking my thread sounded. I didn't mean it to be, i was actually asking you that, not being sarcastic or anything...

...I know you were generalizing, you even put a semi-disclaimer at the start ( :lol: )

no offense was taken:) , and you did lead me to clarify myself, so thanks
Originally posted by Trapped

Well, i'm male, and i don't want anything. Truthfully. If i find someone that i can love, and someone that equally loves me, then great. But i'm a realistic person, i know it's not going to happen, so i don't need anyone. Sex isn't even an issue with me, i'm not the 'typical male' that wants to get laid as often as possible; I couldn't care less either way. If you are a slave to your compulsions and impulses, then you have no mind of your own. I am a mentally strong person, and i am no slave to anything or anyone...

Oh, I can recall the time I thought just like you Trapped - and then I got weaker. It is sometimes ironic, how a man can feel himself so strong and balanced emotionally - and after a shortest while he is down on his knees once again.

But more to the point, I have for long held myself as the least cabable person understanding ANYTHING about women. And that's not an exaggeration (okay, there are others that are just as bad, but no-one is worse, I can assure you). I have NEVER in my life had a satisfying (no, I don't mean in that sense) relationship with any woman, although I am a very kind person and know dozens of nice, intelligent and interesting women.

Every time I have considered establishing a more serious relationship with any of those fine women, I have somehow destroyed everything. Sometimes I have tried "too much", sometimes too little. And most of the times I don't even know, what exactly did I do wrong. And this is no joke!

I don't want to go into details, but I'll tell you a short real story: I met a woman, who was a bit older than me, 1.5 years ago. We had great time together and we felt pretty close, though we were nothing more than friends. Last spring, I found out that I wanted to take a step further in our relationship. I made a plan for a common midsummer, which failed. As a result, I got the impression that she didn't want to get too emotional with me. I accepted it and we continued being friends. About a month ago I visited her and I get to know her new boyfriend - and the guy was a jerk! Back then I thought that this wouldn't last too long, but now that I called her today, she told me that they had spent the whole month together and were having fun right at the moment. I know there's a zillion things that make me a better person than his new boyfriend is. But for some obscure reason I will never be anything more than a friend for her. Does it make any sense?

Some woman some time ago said that I'm "too easy a person to get along with" - the women don't find me exciting or dangerous enough. Perhaps that's the case, I don't know. I just wonder, why am I like this? Is there a curse or something upon me?

-Villain (who apologizes for the mindless rambling, but who just felt he had to say this to you all)

PS: Has anyone seen the Steve Martin -movie Lonely Guy?
yeah, i'd agree with the person who said women want men that are more like women, but what do i know.

anyway, at family parties, you always get this old bloke that sits there with his mouth shut and with a dpressed look on his face, and his wife sits there yapping away like theres no tomorrow. i feel really sorry for these old blokes who dont say a word, you women should be ashamed of what you do to these men.:p
Originally posted by _Transparent_
anyway, at family parties, you always get this old bloke that sits there with his mouth shut and with a dpressed look on his face, and his wife sits there yapping away like theres no tomorrow. i feel really sorry for these old blokes who dont say a word, you women should be ashamed of what you do to these men.:p
those men should be ashamed that they were such bad judges of character in the first place to have married those women...or maybe the men rushed into the marriages, regardless of exactly whom they were marrying because they wanted steady sex. :p ahh, and the cliches start flying!
I've been reading this post all night just laughing at some of the views people have ,, heheh it's truely funny stuff ,,, I don't really know much about being in love or whatever (although I have been- do not stereotype by my age) but I do know a fair bit and what I know is that some of you people do not have a clue!! :rolleyes: