What do women want?

Oh, I can recall the time I thought just like you Trapped - and then I got weaker. It is sometimes ironic, how a man can feel himself so strong and balanced emotionally - and after a shortest while he is down on his knees once again.

I said i was mentally strong, not emotionally balanced or strong. I am like a bottle with emotion. It just builds up and up.

But that's exactly it, I am an emotional person, just not outwardly emotional. It's not that i feel that i can 'resist' impulses and, well hormones, it's that i feel emotion for someone first. It honestly don't even look at women. It's like: "Yeah, she's attractive, so what??". I always fuck this up with females because of that, they have always been my freind...

I'm not trying to be different to the 'typical male' (not saying that any-one of you is a typical male, for gods sake, you listen to opeth!), it's just that i am.
Hmm. I am a male. I have my speculation on women, though I dare not put it to the test of cliche and generalization, since those mothods apply to almost none of us. I will say what I want. I want someone like me. I want a woman that I do not have worry about "trying too much or too little" with. One with whom I will not have to play silly attraction games and tread a border with, because she won't want it either. I want a companion who is on the same intellectual plane as me, then we can share our views and maybe share a single view. I think in some of your cases, you will want a woman who wants what you want. (vice versa for men)
Originally posted by Lina
those men should be ashamed that they were such bad judges of character in the first place to have married those women...or maybe the men rushed into the marriages, regardless of exactly whom they were marrying because they wanted steady sex. :p ahh, and the cliches start flying!

well to tell you the truth i think they're all aranged marriages, so no one had a choice, and they cant even think about divorce, poor guys :cry:
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
I want a woman that I do not have worry about "trying too much or too little" with. One with whom I will not have to play silly attraction games and tread a border with, because she won't want it either. I want a companion who is on the same intellectual plane as me, then we can share our views and maybe share a single view

Tyrant! Dude! You take the words right from my mouth!

I dunno about the rest of you but I have yet to find anything close to this, and in the meantime find myself quite susceptible to the cuteness factor. I've discussed this elsewhere - any kind of relationship with a distinctively "cute" female pretty much guarantees an instant emotional response... I'm pretty sure the presence of such person awakens some dormant male protective hormone and I feel quite strong emotional compulsion to protect/coddle/cuddle them. Especially if you add a distinctly understated (oxymoron?) sense of sophisticated sexyness... then I'm pretty much powerless. This has been problematic at times.

ANYWAYS! Yeah, my ultimate goal is to find someone with whom we can dispatch with all of the social bullshit and just be people, and talk in STRIAGHTFORWARD language. I suppose that might not be overtly romantic, although I'm sure I'd think up a whole series of little things to do (okay, perhaps some mutually self-aware "silly attraction games" after the establishment of relationship).

Oh, and Villian? Rambling rules. And, yeah, they always are jerks. It's part of a universal formula I hope to one day understand... although I think it fails to apply past a certain point of age/maturity, so you'll win in the end. I think.
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn

Oh, and Villian? Rambling rules. And, yeah, they always are jerks. It's part of a universal formula I hope to one day understand... although I think it fails to apply past a certain point of age/maturity, so you'll win in the end. I think.

Heh, quite an optimistic attitude, I'd say. But I wouldn't make a deal with you like "if after fifty years neither of us has found a woman of our life, we'll kill each other".

For I don't want to travel to Canada in my seventies to kill some old rambling bachelor and to be killed by him...

-Villain (who doesn't admit being a pessimist - just a realist)

PS: Trapped - believe me, someday you too will learn the might of a woman. She doesn't need to be attractive, gorgeous or even especially cute - if she just represents that something that you miss in your life (even if you don't admit it to yourself at first), then you'll lose your heart for her. And that hurts, no matter how strong you are.
Originally posted by Villain
But I wouldn't make a deal with you like "if after fifty years neither of us has found a woman of our life, we'll kill each other".

For I don't want to travel to Canada in my seventies to kill some old rambling bachelor and to be killed by him...
how about, rather than kill each other, you turn gay and marry each other!!!! just think how much you two already have in common! :D
Originally posted by Lina
how about, rather than kill each other, you turn gay and marry each other!!!! just think how much you two already have in common! :D
great ide!
and u can have the wding posted live here on the UM board! :lol:

all your questions will be answered when you watch this stand up comedy video, its all based on fact i can say, and its funny too. it seriously answers this question fully and funnily. buy it now :D
What do women want?

"not me"

That's about all I've managed to figure out so far in this lifetime.

It seems like I have a lot of the things women want... sense of humor, witty, intelligent, good listener, creative, a wide variety of interests, etc...

My problem is that I become friends with them, and they say stupid things like, "I'd be totally interested in you in a relationship sorta way, but I'm afraid it would end someday, and I'd hate for things to be wierd between us because you're such a great friend."

That happened to me about a month ago with a girl I met this summer. It's not very often that I meet someone I really like... I mean, there's the whole "yeah, she's pretty" sorta thing, but this girl I seriously liked in every way I could think of. *sigh* It will probably be many years before I meet someone I really like again. If I ever do.

And the sucky part is that for all her talk about not wanting things to "get wierd" and ruin our friendship, we haven't hung out at all during the past month since she said that.

...and people wonder why I have a hard time saying how I feel sometimes. It only led to problems. *shrug*

As for meeting people online:
Well, I've never had an online "relationship" for it seems kinda ridiculous. I've had online friendships though. In fact the girl I met this summer I met online, and we e-mailed and ICQ chatted a lot... and I mean a ton. Like it was common to have 4 hour ICQ conversations 3 days in a row. She is a really cool person. I miss talking to her.

I've met other people in real life that I met online first, and that was just brief conversations because we were at the same college and chatting online and just decided to meet somewhere and talk for a bit.

Once it was a girl who was 4 years older than me and said she was a model. It was mostly a wave and a hello in the computer lab, because we found out that we were both sitting in the same lab. It was kinda awkward because we didn't say anything else, but things like "now I know who you are" and then the uncomfortable silence and we went back to our computers.

One time, the girl i was talking to was in another room, and was the only person in the room, and just asked me to come in and say hi. I did. We realized we didn't have much to talk about and didn't communicate with each other ever again after that.

One time was a girl I actually knew (well, I was in the same class/grade as her - we never hung out or anything) in elementary school who saw my name in a college phonebook and called me one night. (my name's unqiue enough that it stands out) Then we started e-mailing and chatting online for a while. One time we decided to meet in front of a building, and we actually recognized each other. We walked for maybe 15-20 minutes and everything was cool. We met and hung out between classes off and on during the semester, but eventually got too busy and didn't hang out much anymore.

One girl i was chatting with, and i worked at the computer helpDesk, so I told her to come up and say hi. We talked about metallica CDs for a bit and that was the only time we ever talked in person.

And lastly, I met two girls who were older than me in the library upstairs. One of them worked at the reference desk, and we were chatting, and she said, 'come to the reference desk'. We chatted for a bit, and it was ok, but I was kinda nervous because they were older than me. I was like 19 or 20, and one of them was 23 and the other was like 32 or something. Later, I got a message from the 32 year old saying that her friend (the 23-year-old) liked me. the 23-year old one was the one who worked at the desk and asked me to come up, and we used to chat a lot.

I was kinda scared of her because she was older than me. (retarded, I know). She eventually got a job as a teacher halfway across the country and I haven't heard from her since.

But I guess for the most part, it's awkward meeting online people in real life. I mean, most of the people I only met in person once, and of the ones I met more than once it was just a couple times. We never became like great real-life friends or anything.

The girl I met this summer though... we were hanging out about once or twice a week which was nice... but we haven't hung out at all since the whole "I don't want to go out with you" thing.

And back to what women want? Still have no clue. It varies from person to person, but it seems like having all the qualities a women wants isn't enough, because when I know girls, I always get stuck at the "friends" phase and never get past that.

And what do men want?
I should answer another time, since this is long already, and I'm typing it in class. I can say I've only met two people in RL that I got to know well enough to say they had it.

And my one girlfriend was not one of those people.
Rouge27 a bit of advice, when a woman says she dont wanna ruin a friendship it usually means she dont like you and shes looking for an excuse, BUT its not some sort of solid iron cast thing, she might have not wanted to ruin the friendship or whatever. in my experience woman dont want to give a straight excuse as they think it could hurt you :mad: , what the fuck, women please give a straight and truthful answer, i know some might but i deffinatly know some of you try not to say, IM BORED OF YOU, or im fucking your best friend. anyway, i know this doesnt apply to you all, but anyway...
Rogue27: I know _EXACTLY_ what you mean. I have some very similar experiences. The sad part is that I guess I have to kill you also after fifty years...

Rogue27 i'm sorry to say but you should have persued that girl even after what she said..... because its pretty clear to me that she was just playing with you and wanted to know how much you liked her.... i mean, come on, "i'm afraid it would end someday"?!?! you must be joking.... she knows its a lie ,.. she knows you know its a lie... come on , your a man , you should have taken charge and kissed her right there.... just one thing i've learnt, never let a girls voice influence your opinion of her, you won't be able to tell if she's for real or not...
as simply as i can put it(assuming this isn't a joke topic) women just want a guy who treats them nice, and makes them feel special, like they're the only one you have any feelings for or could ever have feelings for, if you can make a girl feel like she's everything to you, she won't go far

that's assuming she isn't a complete bitch and actually a normal woman :p