What do women want?

:lol: Truer words have never been spoken. I'd like to see any of you try "very fag of you" as a pickup line. Or do you have other methods of acquiring female interest? It seems you probably clicked this thread hoping someone could answer the burning question "what do women want?" If you don't know the answer, well I suppose I should just pity you. But I don't.
Ladies are all different. Just like men are. Ask yourself what you want, and then you will know what your ideal lady will want as well.
i find the last two posts pretty accurate, i mean if you ask what men are looking for, the jerk is looking for some sex and someone they dont have to pay attention to, the average nice guy is probably content with someone who cares about them, and is like their best friend

but im a guy so what do i know about women :lol:
I don't know if I count because I'm a lesbian, but I look for a woman who is intelligent, witty, more outgoing than myself, and certainly more adventurous. I don't want a woman who is too much like myself, I want her to be different. I want her to be daring and exciting. I don't want to emotionally overpowered, I want to be complemented. I look for someone who will protect/coddle/cuddle me if I need it, but won't be embarassed or too vain to accept it if she needs protection/cuddling/etc. And, of course, she must have a great taste in music!
In short, for a long term partner, I want someone to complement my strengths and compensate for my weaknesses.
Or maybe just a hot f*** buddy. ;-D


By the way, I think its worth mentioning that a chocolate dick that ejaculates money would turn me straight! :saint:
Looking back this is an impressive thread and there are points to which I agree with.It is important to be with someone whom you feel comfortable with and don't have to make a great effort with to make a relationship work with.To me it is important that a female has a good sense of humour,someone who you can make laugh,someone who you can break the ice with in an instant after an argument.I look for someone who is on the same wavelength as myself.I don't go out looking for this person,I wait for them to come to me:heh:
they spit on me in my home land......Gloria sned me pictures of my boy.....got my pills 'gainst mosquito death...my buddy's breathing his dying breath....!!!!!.....O God please would you help me make it through...........PEAC EOUT
Man... now I wish my dick was made of chocolate and had money it... I'd be jacking off all the time...

"Hey man, what's all over your hands?"
"Chocolate, wanna goto the mall?"
Why would a sweet, sensitive guy want sex with Mike for his chicken pox? If you are "honest" you sound like a nutcase to me.
Because when I'm on forums, I tend to try to write the most incoherent bullshit I can because the internet's not for intelligent discussion. Believe me, I'm completely different in reality.

PS: Was that thread deleted?