what do you do when you feel all bummed out?

see, i keep wandering around the park by myself and reading. it's probably not helping at all.
maybe i need to think about spring and have tea (i dont want stinky foot breath coffee mouth)
i'm getting this precarious feeling that either (a) i am posting WAY too much and i must stop. or (b) i am pulling all the fucking posting weight around here and THATS what is bumming me out.,

I write music. I take a walk in the city, think about shit, smoke cigarettes. I work on my screenplay, or just write in general. I head over to the NYU dorms, and relax with some friends. *Shrugs* whatever, as long as it takes my mind of things.
i really think i handled this thread nicely with those images. I GET NO PROPS EVER :(

anyway, i realized that when i am bummed out if i think about the consequence and subsequent upheaval of the law of conservation of mass and energy, i feel a little better, because it reminds that nothing is a given anymore.

and on another guitar.com interview:

"Guitar.com: Do you have a title for the second part (album) yet?

Lindgren: Yeah, we do, it’s called Damnation.

Guitar.com: That’s a little different; I’d expect the heavier album to be called Damnation.

Lindgren: Yeah, I know. That’s on purpose of course. But it’s a good thing, because I think you know if we had called the heavy one Damnation and this mellow one Deliverance it would have been a bit obvious. We just chose to swap them around."

*cough* motw *cough*