What do you expect from the future?


Active Member
Jun 16, 2016
I'm curious what are your expectations gaiz in terms of technology, because otherwise i'm pretty fucking sure some stefan would come here and talk about death.

I'm pretty excited for VR being developed more and more. I am still not interested enough to buy anything but if they keep improving it this maybe the best way to play FPS games and Horrors. What's mandatory for me is some machine that would track your leg movements, so if you run you run, I want full immersion and if you are fat fuck get rekt. I know for sure that I could get anorexia in order to beat some noobs on video game if neccessary.
So thats hope for the nearest future. In few decades I expect to completely "insert" my mind to a video game and play it like in a dream.

For nongaming related stuff that would be self driving cars, because im fucking sick of retards behind the wheel and im sick of reparining my car because of idiots.

And finally I hope that before I die they will find a way to transplant my brain into a machine or even better, replace my failing organs with artifical ones. As long as my brain remains working im fine with either. I certainly wouldnt agree to COPY my conciousness into a machine, fuck no. Not even that means there is a fucking copy of me that wouldnt sabe me from the cold embrace of death anyway. Who cares if copy lives if I die.
Funny thing is I dont wanna die because ikm too fucking curious to know more shit about universe, even though the truth might be terryfing. Hell, black holes already scare the shit out of me. Also im curious what human race as a whole can achieve, thats also worth living for.
Death, as in unmanned nuclear-equipped bipedal tank laying waste to humanity?
I'm more interested in how AI and robotic technology will impact economics and in effect politics. It's not just entry level shit jobs that will be replaced in the long run, as we already have AI that can create other AI. Combined with growing populations and an already steady decline in work that can sustain a living things could be forced to shift quite drastically.
I suppose the progress will be slowed down artifically. Just like (or maybe im just fan of stupid theories) it baffles me that we still use oil for our cars, it's been too long and i dont believe there isnt anyone who came up with better, cheaper idea (tesla cars wont count so far, pretty expensive shit and you have to charge it pretty often).
But eventually we will have to do something with "worthless" people. I mean how until the streets are cleaned by robots? How long until mcdonald is completely robot controlled? Theyre not hard jobs, even right now robots could easly handle them, but maybe it's still too expensive or just ethics.

Just give me sex androids already damnit.
I'm more interested in how AI and robotic technology will impact economics and in effect politics. It's not just entry level shit jobs that will be replaced in the long run, as we already have AI that can create other AI. Combined with growing populations and an already steady decline in work that can sustain a living things could be forced to shift quite drastically.

CGP Grey released a pretty decent video about this a couple of years ago:

We're definitely going to have to define how we want "civilized" societies to act as the most basic and, eventually, not so basic job opportunities disappear. If we don't destroy ourselves first, we may very well get to a point where we simply don't have to work anymore, but there's a long, difficult road to that point...
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People dont work anymore and everyone are the same?

But seriously, if you dont work how do you acquire "currency" that you will spend to have better stuff than others? Because it's obvious humanity cant be equal and never should be. I can only imagine that if we were to be equal we would kill each other for fun or "to assert dominance" lol
Naw, the no currency thing is what makes it interesting to try and phathom how it will be handled man. Literally the entire structure of our societies as we know it would have to be different, and it's difficult to wrap ones head around. Could very easily be some dystopian freak show.

Thanks for the video, man, I'll check it out tonight :).
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Since the earliest days humans used currency or traded. I see no way of changing that within our lifetimes.

I think everyone in this thread will be disappointed:)

I need some kind of breakthrough in my life. The only thing I can name is internet but... I will be honest, the internet ruined everything for me. Too many idiots believed their opinions matter, another idiots or freaks started some kind of gatherings on the internet while IRL they are waaay too rare to cooperate.
Then we have content overload. Back in the day we (fuck, at least me) enjoyed silly movie clip brought by a friend on a floppy disc. Now im getting tired of seeing "new" shit over and over again. I have access to the music from all around the world yet everything bores me, I can't find something I could really enjoy, at this point I just rely on nostalgia.
Thought I was just depressed but realised what im saying is sad truth, humanity is ruined.

So yea, give me something that is amazing and wont ruin people more. Ill be okay with the VR thing i mentioned in the first post. I need something new to stimulate my brain with.
Since the earliest days humans used currency or traded. I see no way of changing that within our lifetimes.

"Within our lifetimes" is an important factor here—there's an extremely good chance we won't see the "good" side of any of these technological advancements within our respective lifetimes. It may not even be human beings as we know them, it might be whatever comes next.

It's, unfortunately, more likely we'll see the downsides, such as greater wealth inequality as jobs are taken over by machines but cost of living doesn't go down. (Cashiers being replaced by self-serve checkout areas. Not many jobs easier to get into than cashier, so where should the youth go for work?)

A brief aside on self-driving cars: Yes, they're doing extremely well—all they needed to do in order to "do well" was drive better than human, which they were early on—but they're still in an infancy stage. Sure, they can handle cities that they have maps of, but there are still so many factors that are working against them: light (having multiple cameras doesn't help much when it's pitch black); weather; non-standards roads/terrain (sending one of those self-driving cars to my home state of MA and driving through Boston or driving on a road its never been on? Good luck!); plus all of the legalities that the businesses will face—moral dilemmas (http://moralmachine.mit.edu), who takes responsibility when accidents happen/is there still a such thing as insurance?, etc.

Anyway, currency and trading is all about fulfilling needs—if we develop machines to take care of these needs (regulating temperature, cultivating the land, growing food, treating disease, etc), we'll have to adapt to do other things. That doesn't mean there won't be things to do, but a self-improving machine will eventually be able to repair/improve itself better than a human can, so it's not going to be a society full of repair men and women, at least not for long. (As long as we escape the obese, screen-obsessed Wall-E fate—and don't blow ourselves up, of course—I think we'll be alright.)

Further listening: Sam Harris' podcast has a few interesting explorations of A.I., e.g. https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/the-dawn-of-artificial-intelligence1, https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/ask-me-anything-1, etc.

So yea, give me something that is amazing and wont ruin people more. Ill be okay with the VR thing i mentioned in the first post. I need something new to stimulate my brain with.

Content overload sucks, I hear ya.

At this point, I would suggest forcing yourself to stay away from the screen for a certain amount of time each day/week/whatever and also go create things.

If you hate being outside, this is tough, but a change of scenery really can help—go on a vacation, or move and work in another city or country. Surrounding one's self with something outside of a known culture, even if one ends up not liking it, will expand one's horizons in a far more tangible and useful way that learning about it/watching it through a screen.

On creating things: Start writing or working with others to make the changes you want see within the industries you're bored with. Scripts, music, whatever—if it isn't inspiring to you, create or expand upon a version that is. At very least, you'll be distracted from the boredom.
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Definitely gonna check out the video and link you posted.

As for the rest of the post - thing is I just recently realised what my life has become and thats already AFTER I stopped being a basement dweller. I certainly thought about leaving country, not only because it sucks and I want to nuke it with all the retards here, but also I really need a change of scenery. Scotland, Norway, whatever, just give me those beautiful hills and a feeling of peace. Right now I just came back from a run and I want to puke from breathing all the smog, currently its worse than in China.
My second thoughts were "fuck this and go backpacking" or "fuck this, join military and probably die, but at least i will feel alive for a while".
And finally, I wanted to be creative in too many areas. Wanted to draw stuff, turns out I sucks and would take waaay too much time to make it better. Then I started writing, but i am a perfectionist and I always deleted what I wrote after a month because I was emberassed. Then create music, i didnt suck here as much as drawing, but at the same time doing it alone is excrutiating task. Finally, now I decided that maybe I'll program shit and hopefuly after I finish some game in a year or two I will finally achieve something. But reality is im a lazy fuck and I hate it. Lazy outsider - and I blame internet for it, it occupied my life for long time.
But hey, at least I know what I've lost. I pity the current generation that were born into internet.

And I just made myself sad for the night. Fuck technology! :D
Scotland, Norway, whatever, just give me those beautiful hills and a feeling of peace. Right now I just came back from a run and I want to puke from breathing all the smog, currently its worse than in China.
My second thoughts were "fuck this and go backpacking" or "fuck this, join military and probably die, but at least i will feel alive for a while".

I hope you're able to get out of there. I know in some circumstances it's easier said than done, but it sounds like it would be worth your while.

And finally, I wanted to be creative in too many areas. Wanted to draw stuff, turns out I sucks and would take waaay too much time to make it better. Then I started writing, but i am a perfectionist and I always deleted what I wrote after a month because I was emberassed. Then create music, i didnt suck here as much as drawing, but at the same time doing it alone is excrutiating task. Finally, now I decided that maybe I'll program shit and hopefuly after I finish some game in a year or two I will finally achieve something. But reality is im a lazy fuck and I hate it. Lazy outsider - and I blame internet for it, it occupied my life for long time.
But hey, at least I know what I've lost. I pity the current generation that were born into internet.

And I just made myself sad for the night. Fuck technology! :D

I don't want to sound like one of those terrible motivational posters, apologies if I get into that territory:
  • Be prepared to suck at [drawing, writing, music, programming] for a long time before noticeable improvement—but keep track of your progress throughout. If you stick with [whatever] for even a few months and having something to look back on (e.g. record yourself every day, look back at your writing from earlier), you will notice a difference.
  • Laziness/complacency is the ultimate enemy and it's so easy to fall into that. I do every day. (I also tend to blame how much I'm on the Internet, easy to get distracted.) If possible, find something or someone else to motivate you—play music with someone over the Internet, set a date to read some of your writing at an open mic, set some sort of goal that has to be completed each day/week/month—which will force you to keep doing whatever it is that you want to be better at.
Good luck, dude.
  • Be prepared to suck at [drawing, writing, music, programming] for a long time before noticeable improvement—but keep track of your progress throughout. If you stick with [whatever] for even a few months and having something to look back on (e.g. record yourself every day, look back at your writing from earlier), you will notice a difference.
  • Laziness/complacency is the ultimate enemy and it's so easy to fall into that. I do every day. (I also tend to blame how much I'm on the Internet, easy to get distracted.) If possible, find something or someone else to motivate you—play music with someone over the Internet, set a date to read some of your writing at an open mic, set some sort of goal that has to be completed each day/week/month—which will force you to keep doing whatever it is that you want to be better at.

But you also need to be honest with yourself. I really sucked at drawing, the only thing I could get right were proportions, thanks to references, but coloring, lighting? Even after countless hours it was still bad. I was very good at theory, terrible in practice.

Writing? Objectively some stuff wasnt half bad, but as I said, I was perfectionist and I fixed way too much on a huge saga (literally created the world for over 10 years) and refused to train on something smaller. My fault.

In music I reached a ceiling. I was self learning from the very beginning and since my technique was bad I cannot improve more now without starting from scratch, and here I am too lazy to do it. Funny thing is I cam play semi-complicated stuff without some sick shit of course, but chords? Nope, my fingers wont cooperate, doesnt help that they are short and fat AF.

Finally programming, this I enjoy for now because I can see effects relatively quickly. Gonna program my first simple game this month, I set the bar high but I will do everything to finish it.

I can't take advice about laziness though, I won't share anything with others that i dont deem good enough. Sometimes I make exceptions but only when Im desperate.

Anyway, whining wont do anything good, hopefuly now I can finally achieve something I want.
that's the thing, work on anything for a while and you will "hit a ceiling", but continue working with it and you will break through that ceiling (only to find another one etc). we all have different levels in different areas where we can half ass stuff and still get results to a varying degree, but when you eventually need to take it to the next level, it's only a matter of working hard.
Well, it also depends. For me my pinky (smallest?) finger of left hand is almost useless, so playing a guitar with 3 fingers is doable but shitty. Sure, I could probably overcome it eventually, but effort =/= reward. Who cares about sweeping :3

Warhammer 40,000/Mad Max.
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