What do you expect when you go out?


I wish, I wish, I wish ;)
Aug 24, 2001
When you go out (to an alternative night) do you appreciate the DJ playing music you have never heard of? Would you consider yourself open to new music, or do you like to hear the same set list over and over again.

When I used to do my night "Rotten Apple" I played as much uncommercial music as possible, I played remixes and imported music, yet every single week I had almost half of the crowd complain about the music I was playing....I remember playing Burn by Nine Inch Nails and while that song was playing a Gothic looking girl (wearing a NiN T-shirt) came over and asked me if I would play some Nine Inch Nails.....I couldn't believe it....I said to her "This is NiN" she said "Is it? Well it must be new 'cos I have never heard it"???

I played music by unsigned bands too...how do you win? How do you keep todays Metal Scene happy? I am considering finding another venue and doing an Alternative night again...if you were going to come to my night, what would you expect from me???;)
We were having this conversation round the flat the other night, and I think I remember saying I'd like a variety. I love hearing new things by unsigned or obscure bands, and if anything irritates me it's hearing songs that get played every time you go out. Maybe something of a mix between old favourites and new, unheard stuff.
But, of course, you can't please everyone. Some people are perfectly content to pay good money to spend a night they could easily have replicated by staying at home, playing their own CD collection loudly, turning out the lights and getting pissed on cheap cider.
Personally, I'd be a lot happier if Club Roar played a lot more new, obscure or unsigned stuff, rather than the tired playlist it has been pushing for about the last four months...
Ah now ROAR is a truly good example of a truly bad night (in my opinion)! Repetitive play lists and a DJ that chooses to ignore peoples requests, I don't mind a DJ ignoring customers requests when the requests are for commercial music, but I do think that when a DJ doesn't play the odd unsigned band or not so heard of band...they are surely lacking somewhere...

I like a DJ who will play something that makes you stop what you are doing and think "What the f*** is this?" I also like to hear stuff I haven't heard before...for me its a learning process...:grin:
Yeah, I'd prefer to hear just one of the remixes of 'Closer' at ROAR, rather than hearing the original version played twice a night! That's another thing that irks me about the place - the DJ receives loads of requests from people which he ignores, yet he still goes on to play a number of the songs in his playlist twice!
I'd like a night out to be different from a night in, to put it at it's simplest. If I wanted to hear songs that I'd heard repeatedly before all night, I'd stay in with my own CD collection. I'd much rather be introduced to new bands than rendered dispassionate of familiar ones by repetition...
That's a good point actually... I've been slagging off ROAR, but I still go most weeks because it's an oppurtunity to see people that I don't get to see as often as I'd like. But since the topic is (I'm assuming) dealing with the music side of the night rather than the social aspects, I'll stand by my original post. :)
Which all makes the above rambling of mine possibly the most pointless post I've ever contributed!
*hangs head in shame*
Yeah, I don't really go to club nights that often, usually because of the music (see the other post - I'm reduced to dancing to ultraviolence - the one thing they're good for), and I have a social life around college. I don't have a desire to be part of the "goth" scene we've got going here (especially seeing most of them are elitest "I'm more goth than you" twats). We have one good clubnight here tho which plays new music and is usually really rather good :)
That gorgeous, two legged, sexy, and down right fun to be with Spacebunni did play a few "Closer" remixes at Rotten Apple. and she played alot of stuff I had never heard of, that I actually quite liked. She played some Corosion of Conformaty vinyl remixes that were really good too.

:rock: :hotjump:

But I only used to go so I could drool and dribble over Bunni :loco:
Bunni played Corrosion Of Conformity? I love that band! *sob* Damn my resticitve shool-night schedule - why couldn't I go to Rotten Apple?!?

Godisanatheist - I know what you mean about elitist goths. Me, Pceptimus and Spacebunni could tell you all about one in particular, couldn't we guys?

Yourdeadgroom - Hey, I listen to doom metal too... what am I doing out of my bedroom? Argh! The light! Hang on... I'm virtually socialising here! NOOOOO!!! *steam rises from flesh*
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Bunni played Corrosion Of Conformity? I love that band! *sob* Damn my resticitve shool-night schedule - why couldn't I go to Rotten Apple?!?

Godisanatheist - I know what you mean about elitist goths. Me, Pceptimus and Spacebunni could tell you all about one in particular, couldn't we guys?

yes we could dill we could indeed :rolleyes:

:loco: :bah: :err: :rock:
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Bunni played Corrosion Of Conformity? I love that band! *sob* Damn my resticitve shool-night schedule - why couldn't I go to Rotten Apple?!?

Godisanatheist - I know what you mean about elitist goths. Me, Pceptimus and Spacebunni could tell you all about one in particular, couldn't we guys?

Yourdeadgroom - Hey, I listen to doom metal too... what am I doing out of my bedroom? Argh! The light! Hang on... I'm virtually socialising here! NOOOOO!!! *steam rises from flesh*

I've only got one CoC, but its quite good! Yeah It really annoys me when people lok down on others because of their musical taste etc. :mad: