What do you guys think of Zao?

zao rocks
yes they are a hardcore band but that can be a good thing. what is your favorite zao release? mine probably is save your self from hell
Originally posted by The Deathrace King
Oh, and they're a Xtian band. There you go.

Oh my God!
They're not another generic,faux-Satanic band?!
The one thing we need is more badly written songs about the merits of being a Satanist.
Like not having to go to church on Sundays.More time to lick my posters of Glen Benton.
Originally posted by The Deathrace King
You're association of Glen Benton with modern Satanism reveals your true ignorance of the subject.

You're right.I know absolutely nothing about the ways of "Modern Satanism".You know why?Because I dont give a flying fuck about it.To me,its just another religion.
Anyway,my point was the fact that you used the fact that they have Christian beliefs in a derogatory manner.I'm not Christian myself and like Satanism,could give a flying shit about it but I certainly wouldn't point it out as a reason to not like a band.
So anyway,tell me,who are the hip Satanists these days eh?Who are all the kids diggin'?
You admitted your ignorance only to blow more out of your ass. A step in the right direction, I suppose.

Well, now, how about this: You obviously know absolutely nothing about Modern Satanism, especially since you took the incentive to shove it in the same category as the White Light Religions.
Originally posted by The Deathrace King
Hypothetically, someone refuses to listen to Graveland because they are black or Jewish.

Would you have a similar reaction?

Nope.But I'm being realistic.This is metal.
How many anti-Jewish metal bands are there compared to Anti Christian bands?
The main reason I brought up the Satanism thing is because I remember YOU arguing about it with Dreamlord.
You obviously have some affiliation with it.
Originally posted by The Deathrace King
You admitted your ignorance only to blow more out of your ass. A step in the right direction, I suppose.

Well, now, how about this: You obviously know absolutely nothing about Modern Satanism, especially since you took the incentive to shove it in the same category as the White Light Religions.

Is that an auto message?Does your computer send out automatic messages about Satanism whenever someone says something to you?I already said,I know NOTHING about Satanism.NOTHING.I dont care about it and have no desire to know anything about it.
Personal affiliation with Modern Satanism? Yes. I find purpose in music, either lyrically/ideologically or by the aesthetics of the sound.

It comes to PERSONAL choice. I am not a National Socialist, but I enjoy many National Socialist bands, such as Veles. Why? Their music is appealing, and I find the lyrical content interesting. If I know that the content is unappealing to me, why even bother? It is my call, my perogative, and if you feel that I'm 'missing out,' then its my loss, and you shouldn't bother to comment.
Is that an auto message?Does your computer send out automatic messages about Satanism whenever someone says something to you?I already said,I know NOTHING about Satanism.NOTHING.I dont care about it and have no desire to know anything about it.

Then... (and this may appear out there to you) maybe you should keep your mouth shut in order to prevent yourself from appearing like an ass, rather than throw out stereotypes?
Originally posted by The Deathrace King
, and if you feel that I'm 'missing out,' then its my loss, and you shouldn't bother to comment.

No.Not at all.I dont even like Zao.
My only gripe was that you were using the fact that they were Christian as a reason not to like them.
Trust me,I would have replied if you had said you didn't like them because they were Black or Jewish as well.
But yes,it is your call.
Xtian means christian zao is a christian hardcore band they don't really preach in their songs its just that some songs are about faith and all the members of the band are christians. they are hardcore cause they have breakdowns and focus on being heavy rather then guitar solo crap. they have metal influeces and can be put into the metalcore genre also they mostly played with other hardcore bands and played to hardcore kids in the scene. hope that helps
Yeah, so back to Zao... I used to be into them, they were great, but I lost interest in the genre real fast.. soon after "The Splinter Shards the Birth of Separation" ablum. I felt that all the best hardcore had been produced, and that the genre was worn out after that. Anyways, Zao is a great band to see live.. if you like having to watch out for those damned hardcore dancer kids or the bodies flying overhead... I have a few albunms of their's but "The Splinter Shards.." and "All Else Fails" are the only ones I really liked.
