what do you hate more than anything?

Nu-metal, cockroaches, seafood, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, those kids that drive those stupid Jap cars that make the farting noises, rap music (and every white kid that listens to it), most of the people I knew in junior high and high school, most of the people I know in college, vindictive christians, Hoobastank, people of low intelligence who act like they know everything, this one cunt that recently started working at my job, politics, television, advertising, technology, metal forums, this thread.
See avatar.

whoa, 2 replies up me hates so many things
and you thread starter must be a happy hate-free person indeed if the thing you most hate is emo

i cant decide what i hate most. possibly feeling negative, guilty, regretful, or disappointed. ANd coackroaches, yes.
Cythraul said:
Nu-metal, cockroaches, seafood, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, those kids that drive those stupid Jap cars that make the farting noises, rap music (and every white kid that listens to it), most of the people I knew in junior high and high school, most of the people I know in college, vindictive christians, Hoobastank, people of low intelligence who act like they know everything, this one cunt that recently started working at my job, politics, television, advertising, technology, metal forums, this thread.

awww...how sad. :yell: I use to live with roaches, no seriously.

umm i dislike the smell of cigs and anything burnt.
and the monthly pain :erk:
and being 18 yrs old
and grapefruit!!!!yuck!!

Violet Baudelaire said:
whoa, 2 replies up me hates so many things
and you thread starter must be a happy hate-free person indeed if the thing you most hate is emo

yes i agree to that too... :Spin:
I don't hte that many things, true. But Emo, the scene that surrounds it, and every single fucker that draws inspiration from it, makes me want to strangle every fucking newborn in every fucking hospital within a 1,000 mile radius.

Other than that, I'm not that hateful.
I have an enraged, murderous, seething disdain for anyone who names their child 'Cody'. And potato salad, and green beens to a lesser extent. And I fucking hate Clutch. And that Simple Plan faggotry. And egg nog makes me gag, though I really just don't like the name. Fuck drinking 'nog'.
hhhmm let's see.
Opeth, Children of Bodom,Mayhem,Darkthrone,anything on MTW,feminists,communists and vegans that can't keep their opinion to them selfs.
That is all for now.
Edit: Damn I forgot religious people.
The Grimace said:
I have an enraged, murderous, seething disdain for anyone who names their child 'Cody'. And potato salad, and green beens to a lesser extent. And I fucking hate Clutch. And that Simple Plan faggotry. And egg nog makes me gag, though I really just don't like the name. Fuck drinking 'nog'.

Whoa! You were cool till you got to the part about the egg nog. That's fuckin' way out of line.
Commercials, I can't stand it in any form. But the worst beeing commercial radio where it is mixed with another thing deserving to be utterly and painfully destoyed: commercial music
I hate people that have an unjustifiable hatred for something/someone for no reason and will not listen to reason or be open minded at all.

Oh and nu metal, pop, rap, hip hop, jazz and dill (the herb).

Oh yes, this is also my first post so hello to all you fellow metallers from around the world. :headbang:
spaffe said:
Commercials, I can't stand it in any form. But the worst beeing commercial radio where it is mixed with another thing deserving to be utterly and painfully destoyed: commercial music


EDIT: I also fucking hate when people look at me like I'm from outer space whenever I use a big, multi-syllabic word. Most of the people I encounter give credence to the fact that the United States is turning into one big cesspool of illiterate, uneducated retards. Fuck off to you all, Americans!!