What do you really think about this...


Jul 14, 2003
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I know that talking about politics is like masturbating on an airplane while still in your seat but put your political affiliation aside and tell me what you really think about this shit:
"Bush provided amusing descriptions of photographs Wednesday night during the annual dinner of the Radio and Television News Correspondents Association. Some showed the president in awkward poses as he looked behind furniture in the Oval Office. For those photos, Bush told the audience, "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere ... nope, no weapons over there ... maybe under here?" (Related video: Bush gets humorous)

Laughter erupted from the crowd of journalists, politicians and their guests then and at other times during Bush's remarks. For years the dinner has featured political and topical humor, most of it playful if barbed at times."

My thoughts.....600+ soldiers died and more continue to die and the Commander-in-Chief is making light of the reason this war was brought about, thats pretty fucked up. Maybe he should make that comment the next time he speaks with one of the family members of a soldier who gave his life in Iraq so we could search for these weapons.....And please do me a favor, if you are just gonna respond that this is just more political rhetoric, dont respond. You have to have an opinion on this not just some cop out bullshit response like that.
Dude's a one-termer....like his pop. Only Presidents to "win a war" and get the boot. I'm writing in Swartzkoff (sp?)... :erk:

Since you asked. I will not pretend to be unbiased. I have hated this man since he ran for President. I think he is a liar and an A-hole and way too business and religion oriented and I find him highly unintelligent. (I can't believe John McCain didn't get the Republican nomination!!!!????) Anyways, with that being said. One of the very few things I found likable about him was his ability to laugh at himself(usually) for things like choking on pretzels and falling off the Segway and fumbling his words (when it seemed like it wasn't every time he opened his mouth) but I did find making a joke out of the WMD's a bit disgusting for many of the reasons you mentioned. They looked for reasons to attack Iraq, tried them out on the public, failed a few times then struck a chord with WMD's and went with it. We have lost 600 solders at least, we have soldiers killing themselves over there, we have many more wounded that they will not tell us about, we are still being attacked daily and he can laugh about the main reason our leaders told the world we were going to Iraq?!!! That's f'ed up in my book too. And I would love to see him do that "joke" in front of a roomful of people who have lost their loved ones in Iraq. How would it go over then??
i did see the clip on the news,its easy for haters to pick on this footage,i didnt think it was disrespectful in any way,as serious as war is are we not allowed to laugh anymore,remember saddam had 10 years to hide these weapons!!!

i also seen bush using 9/11 footage as well,politiciansaresupposed to be about real life and u cant get a much more real situation than that sad event,do u really want someone who forgets the importance of such a tragedy to run the country?
My friend was in Iraq, he was on front line fighting Iraqis, he hates Bush, but he is glad we went over there. He saw how Saddam treated his people and was more moved by that to fight harder than by WMD's excuse. Bush will be gone at the end of this term (hopefully, and yeah, I did vote for him, sorry, I hated Gore so much, I wanted McCain, but won't vote for him this time.) And for people who say that Iraqi's don't want us there, my friend said "well, yeah, we're carrying guns, but they prefer us carrying them to Saddam's henchmen." This from someone that was in the middle of it, walking around on patrols. On one such patrol he had a little boy come up to him and hand him a handdrawn American flag and the little boys attempt at writing "I love you" in English. My friend has seen people killed. Some of his friends, and still he thinks it's worth it to free these people.
Got off track, but, you're going to hate or like Bush regardless of that clip. People aren't going to be swayed just by this. People's minds have already been pretty well made up about Dubbya.
mrthrax said:
i did see the clip on the news,its easy for haters to pick on this footage,i didnt think it was disrespectful in any way,as serious as war is are we not allowed to laugh anymore,remember saddam had 10 years to hide these weapons!!!

i also seen bush using 9/11 footage as well,politiciansaresupposed to be about real life and u cant get a much more real situation than that sad event,do u really want someone who forgets the importance of such a tragedy to run the country?
Hell, we might as well start saying POW/MIA jokes......and how about those pesky Vietnam Vets, might as well not leave them out of the fold. Are we not allowed to laugh anymore? Hell, the Vietcong has had 30 plus years to hide the POW/MIA's. Maybe they just stayed over there because they like the taste of dog. I bet John McCain would do a spit-take if he heard that one. Damn Haters............Shit, while were at it, how about the holocaust, isnt it time that our leaders started doing Holocaust jokes? Hell, 6 million or 6 hundred....arent we allowed to laugh anymore? Why stop now, how about some slavery jokes? I bet Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice would be doubled over in their chairs with those. Not being politically correct but this shit crossed the fucking line. I bet it wouldnt be as comical if Jeb Bush or one of the other Royals was over there fighting. Maybe Bin Laden was under the furniture somewhere, that would be a good one, I get a real belly laugh over that one. I can see it now......" I know theres a terrorist sleeper cell around here somewhere,(Bush looks under table) Nope, not there.......maybe here (Bush looking behind couch).....nope not here either.....Oh shit, a plane just hit the towers.....Damn you pesky Al-Queda, you really got me this time!!!"(Camera fades out with Bush shaking his fist in the air with a grin on his face.) Isnt that some comical shit?
Riehlthing said:
My friend was in Iraq, he was on front line fighting Iraqis, he hates Bush, but he is glad we went over there. He saw how Saddam treated his people and was more moved by that to fight harder than by WMD's excuse. Bush will be gone at the end of this term (hopefully, and yeah, I did vote for him, sorry, I hated Gore so much, I wanted McCain, but won't vote for him this time.) And for people who say that Iraqi's don't want us there, my friend said "well, yeah, we're carrying guns, but they prefer us carrying them to Saddam's henchmen." This from someone that was in the middle of it, walking around on patrols. On one such patrol he had a little boy come up to him and hand him a handdrawn American flag and the little boys attempt at writing "I love you" in English. My friend has seen people killed. Some of his friends, and still he thinks it's worth it to free these people.
Got off track, but, you're going to hate or like Bush regardless of that clip. People aren't going to be swayed just by this. People's minds have already been pretty well made up about Dubbya.
It swayed me, I was staying out of this shit until now. Tell your friend that, regardless of the circumstances, were all fucking proud of him and the job hes done and glad that he made it home.
SlappyWhitey said:
Hell, we might as well start saying POW/MIA jokes......and how about those pesky Vietnam Vets, might as well not leave them out of the fold.... QUOTE]

yeah that joke was in bad taste. HE's still trying to pull that "i'm the fun easy going one-of-the-boys guy" thing. But saying Saddam has WMD's and using it as justification for bombing the shit out of a country causing collateral damage and plunging a country deeper into chaos and then not backing your "proof" up by finding the wmd's is not something to take lightly. He should feel stupid.
SlappyWhitey said:
Hell, we might as well start saying POW/MIA jokes......and how about those pesky Vietnam Vets, might as well not leave them out of the fold. Are we not allowed to laugh anymore? Hell, the Vietcong has had 30 plus years to hide the POW/MIA's. Maybe they just stayed over there because they like the taste of dog. I bet John McCain would do a spit-take if he heard that one. Damn Haters............Shit, while were at it, how about the holocaust, isnt it time that our leaders started doing Holocaust jokes? Hell, 6 million or 6 hundred....arent we allowed to laugh anymore? Why stop now, how about some slavery jokes? I bet Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice would be doubled over in their chairs with those. Not being politically correct but this shit crossed the fucking line. I bet it wouldnt be as comical if Jeb Bush or one of the other Royals was over there fighting. Maybe Bin Laden was under the furniture somewhere, that would be a good one, I get a real belly laugh over that one. I can see it now......" I know theres a terrorist sleeper cell around here somewhere,(Bush looks under table) Nope, not there.......maybe here (Bush looking behind couch).....nope not here either.....Oh shit, a plane just hit the towers.....Damn you pesky Al-Queda, you really got me this time!!!"(Camera fades out with Bush shaking his fist in the air with a grin on his face.) Isnt that some comical shit?
u are taking this way out of poportion,settle grettle!!!
Jono said:
SlappyWhitey said:
Hell, we might as well start saying POW/MIA jokes......and how about those pesky Vietnam Vets, might as well not leave them out of the fold.... QUOTE]

yeah that joke was in bad taste. HE's still trying to pull that "i'm the fun easy going one-of-the-boys guy" thing. But saying Saddam has WMD's and using it as justification for bombing the shit out of a country causing collateral damage and plunging a country deeper into chaos and then not backing your "proof" up by finding the wmd's is not something to take lightly. He should feel stupid.
the only mistake bush done was his father not doing the job properly ten years ago,all this shit would have been over with otherwise!
mrthrax said:
u are taking this way out of poportion,settle grettle!!!

When your country makes a proportionate contribution you can have a say in things.....until then.........shhhhhhhh!
I didn't think it was the least bit offensive. People really need to lighten up. As for Bush being a 1 termer, it's WAY too early to be saying that.
We all know Geogre is sort of a dumb ass. I don't like some of the stuff he does but then again there's stuff John Kerry does I'm sure I don't like. Bottom line most politicians are full of shit. I don't like extreme left or right wingers. I'm old and in the middle I guess. My take is don't over tax me, keep our defenses strong, legalize weed (thats a nice source of money for the govt) and don't tell me who to fuck or suck.
I thought it made him seem real as a person. All the leftys harp on is "where are the WMDs?" its him poking a bit of fun at himself. Thats all. None of you asked where were the WMDs when it was Clintons excuse to bomb them. (as a distraction to the Monica fiasco) If you think Kerry has the better plan then vote for him and see where we end up. Personally I hope its W in 04 then Jeb in 08 and 2012. Hell there could be Bushs in the white house for the next 12 years! How great would that be.
At the end of the day guys surely a world without saddam hussein is a better place. Okay you can use the argument that over 600+ people have died but they have succeded in getting rid of a tyrant who was a true threat to global peace. If u look at the number of people killed in world war one for instance the numeber is in the hundreds of thousands. So compared to other wars the casulty rate is relativly low. i am by know means saying that this is a good thing as of course the death of any fellow country man or allie is sad. However i do feel that people jump on the band wagon about the whole "anti war" thing. you gotta look at the long term benefits. Removing Saddam by force was the only way and i am sure we will all benefit in the long term

Hmmmmmm....Whatever. Here's who I'll be voting for:
That's right kids!

Myself, and 99% of my friends and family will be voting for G.W. Bush.
Next thing Bush needs to do is bring back all Americans from Iraq... Nuke Iraq... and start a war in North Korea! :hotjump:
DarbysDad said:
We all know Geogre is sort of a dumb ass. I don't like some of the stuff he does but then again there's stuff John Kerry does I'm sure I don't like. Bottom line most politicians are full of shit. I don't like extreme left or right wingers. I'm old and in the middle I guess. My take is don't over tax me, keep our defenses strong, legalize weed (thats a nice source of money for the govt) and don't tell me who to fuck or suck.
no shit, i totally have to agree with you. THe balance is way offset in the white house. I think Micheal Moore is brilliant and funny but he's also a fanatic. and he'd be just as bad if not worse than bush for this country if the two switched places. Although the House would probably never let him do anything. one thing i have to add to your dont's is: don't fuck with the schools! Come election day, whoever wins, i'll still be greatful to have been born in a country where i can say whatever i want about the fucked up government. I think that makes it worthwhile.
One termer - guaranteed! You know maybe we should pull back all our troops and stack 'em up on our borders. Stop the immigrants and drugs and terrorists and let the rest of the fucking world fend for itself.

There is no doubt that whether or not we found WMD's or not, we are all better off without Soddom...still I am sick of us bearing the majority of the burden for a bunch of fucking ingrates. And joking about this situation could not have been more inappropriate....but like DD says, he's just a stupid asshole redneck hillbilly iliterate puppet.

Oh, and China will be our next war.....