what do you think about soad's armeniean genocide clip?

+1. ban his ass!

it happened like 60 years ago, get the fuck over it. That German law is fucking retarded and they should be ashamed of it. They're so fucking embarassed about the whole thing that they over-compensate with their sensitivity to it. The holocaust happened, but fuck any government or person that doesn't give me the right to say otherwise.
You just have to be a pretty selfish, narrowminded fool to say that it's a joke or something you can just get over. And it wasn't just a civil war or a movement of people. It was during World War I. And it was all aimed specifically at Armenians. It was aimed at a people group to get them out, whether it ment forcibly deporting them or killing them. Trukey admits to people dying, sure, but it is more than just having some people die due to a conflict. They attempted to force out a specific group of people, and to me, personally, and to many others, it is pretty clear there was some intent to just simply rid the earth of the Armenians. That's what Turkey denies: genocide.

Armageddon's Child, my point was that I wouldn't exist had they not escaped. Doesn't matter to you, but it matters to me. I kind of like living.
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You just have to be a pretty selfish, narrowminded fool to say that it's a joke or something you can just get over. And it wasn't just a civil war or a movement of people. It was during World War I. And it was all aimed specifically at Armenians. It was aimed at a people group to get them out, whether it ment forcibly deporting them or killing them.

It was aimed at a group of people who were allied to the Russians (still in the war in 1915, it should be pointed out) and were trying to break away from the Ottoman Empire. Had they succeeded in doing so, they would have left the Ottoman heartland wide open to a Russian invasion at a time when the empire was being invaded by Commonwealth troops and pressed by a British-inspired revolt in the provinces. What were the Turks supposed to do, hand Istanbul to the Romanovs on a platter?

Bottom line: if you don't want to get genocided, don't try to stab your host country in the back in the middle of a war for national survival.

Armageddon's Child, my point was that I wouldn't exist had they not escaped. Doesn't matter to you, but it matters to me. I kind of like living.

It's a pity Uncle Adolf wasn't just a little bit more thorough...
It's cute the way you joke about my demise, Armageddon's Child, but the fact remains that Turkey committed genocide, and they should at lest admit that it occurred. They can't bring the dead folks back, and they don't even need to apologise necessarily for it was for the national security, so they say, but they can at least say it was done as it was done.
It was aimed at a group of people who were allied to the Russians (still in the war in 1915, it should be pointed out) and were trying to break away from the Ottoman Empire. Had they succeeded in doing so, they would have left the Ottoman heartland wide open to a Russian invasion at a time when the empire was being invaded by Commonwealth troops and pressed by a British-inspired revolt in the provinces. What were the Turks supposed to do, hand Istanbul to the Romanovs on a platter?

Bottom line: if you don't want to get genocided, don't try to stab your host country in the back in the middle of a war for national survival.

It's a pity Uncle Adolf wasn't just a little bit more thorough...

you need to get hit by a bus buddy, like real soon too
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Bottom line: if you don't want to get genocided, don't try to stab your host country in the back in the middle of a war for national survival.

It's a pity Uncle Adolf wasn't just a little bit more thorough...

correct me if im wrong, but isn't that what your country's been doing in Iraq for quite some time now. You seem to have some real psychological issues man, making these wild statements with an obvious limited understanding of how war and genocide actually takes place. Here's a link for where you can learn first hand what war is actually like... http://www.goarmy.com/ Im sure they'll be happy to bring you along. And as for genocide, well im sure if your country continues on the path its on right now, you may even be fortunate enough to experience that yourself. Until then, spare us your bull shit ignoramus comments. You've got the attention you've been seeking and you have successfully alerted everyone to your overwhelming stupidity. Congratulations!
You just have to be a pretty selfish, narrowminded fool to say that it's a joke or something you can just get over. And it wasn't just a civil war or a movement of people. It was during World War I. And it was all aimed specifically at Armenians. It was aimed at a people group to get them out, whether it ment forcibly deporting them or killing them. Trukey admits to people dying, sure, but it is more than just having some people die due to a conflict. They attempted to force out a specific group of people, and to me, personally, and to many others, it is pretty clear there was some intent to just simply rid the earth of the Armenians. That's what Turkey denies: genocide.

Armageddon's Child, my point was that I wouldn't exist had they not escaped. Doesn't matter to you, but it matters to me. I kind of like living.

are you actually avoiding my posts? you have nothing to say about photographs like this:


your ignorance and bigotry are pretty clear actually in your statement:

"They attempted to force out a specific group of people, and to me, personally, and to many others, it is pretty clear there was some intent to just simply rid the earth of the Armenians."

have you actually read ANYTHING about this issue? or have you just watched the system of a down's video?
It was aimed at a group of people who were allied to the Russians (still in the war in 1915, it should be pointed out) and were trying to break away from the Ottoman Empire. Had they succeeded in doing so, they would have left the Ottoman heartland wide open to a Russian invasion at a time when the empire was being invaded by Commonwealth troops and pressed by a British-inspired revolt in the provinces. What were the Turks supposed to do, hand Istanbul to the Romanovs on a platter?

im literally in tears!
you need to get hit by a bus buddy, like real soon too

let me drive!:heh:
abusing your right of freedom of speech with such ignorant, hurtful, racist BS is why so many people are getting into war. and FYI: the three best democratic nations of the world are: Iceland, Sweden and The Netherlands. where the F is your precious US of A on the list, AC? Are you old and brave enough to join your army and wreck havoc in Iran? why dont you? surely you must have learned a lot from your family's history by now. go ahead and make your great uncle proud! and rid us of your stupidity while you're at is...

What bothers me about genocide is that it is still occuring as we speak! SOAD is talking about the Armenian genocide but with that they are also trying to get their fanbase aware of genocide elsewhere. it's your choice to listen and learn about it, or just do nothing with it.

I suppose that your ethnicity (so triumphantly displayed!) has nothing whatsoever to do with your "outrage". Please, drop the altruistic pretense and admit that you are mostly motivated, especially in this case, by personal interests- ethics suddenly becomes much cloudier, liberal democracy revealed as a spoiled child's indulgent tantrum.

p.s. (Did you mean Iraq, or were you making an inaccurate short-term prediction?)
It's cute the way you joke about my demise, Armageddon's Child, but the fact remains that Turkey committed genocide, and they should at lest admit that it occurred. They can't bring the dead folks back, and they don't even need to apologise necessarily for it was for the national security, so they say, but they can at least say it was done as it was done.

They were fighting a war, and some people died. Guess what, it happens. Did the US commit 'genocide' in Japan? What about the hundreds of thousands of Germans who died in the aftermath of WWII during the mass expulsion of people of German descent from their ancestral homes in Eastern Europe? How about Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinian lands? Or Ollie Cromwell in Ireland?

Or, how about we all just stop trying to grab a piece of the victim pie and take proactive steps to make the world that exists now a better place instead of whining about events that happened decades ago?

I suppose that your ethnicity (so triumphantly displayed!) has nothing whatsoever to do with your "outrage". Please, drop the altruistic pretense and admit that you are mostly motivated, especially in this case, by personal interests- ethics suddenly becomes much cloudier, liberal democracy revealed as a spoiled child's indulgent tantrum.

p.s. (Did you mean Iraq, or were you making an inaccurate short-term prediction?)

she's black :lol:
whats so lul?

edit: Whats funny is someone neg. rep-ed me for my comments in this thread saying, "fuckimngh die, just fucking die".
Events that happened decades ago helped shape the world we live in now. Everything is predecated upon what happened previously. You can't just ignore history and move on. If someone talked about how great Beethoven's 9th Symphony was, you wouldn't say "Screw that crap, that was ages ago! Why even bother listening to that?!" But when people bring up events thta led to lots of people dying, you say to just get over it. That's stupid thinking.
When I think about the music issue, I like their music.. But when I think of their ideology and attitudes, I find it bad! We are all human beings.. I have some armenian friends and we like eachother.. There is not a certain truth about this genocide issue.. I wish we wouldn't live under the grim shade of the past...

I suppose that your ethnicity (so triumphantly displayed!) has nothing whatsoever to do with your "outrage". Please, drop the altruistic pretense and admit that you are mostly motivated, especially in this case, by personal interests- ethics suddenly becomes much cloudier, liberal democracy revealed as a spoiled child's indulgent tantrum.

p.s. (Did you mean Iraq, or were you making an inaccurate short-term prediction?)

believe it or not but my ethical background had nothing to do with my so-called outburst but is a reaction to AC's hurtful words. yes, I'm black and that is just the way I was born. so to what do you refer to when talking about "your ethniciy so triumphantly displayed"? If someone who's white had the same "tantrum", what would you have said instead? and thank you: I did mean Iraq.