what do you think about soad's armeniean genocide clip?

It was aimed at a group of people who were allied to the Russians (still in the war in 1915, it should be pointed out) and were trying to break away from the Ottoman Empire. Had they succeeded in doing so, they would have left the Ottoman heartland wide open to a Russian invasion at a time when the empire was being invaded by Commonwealth troops and pressed by a British-inspired revolt in the provinces. What were the Turks supposed to do, hand Istanbul to the Romanovs on a platter?
Excellent post.
You just have to be a pretty selfish, narrowminded fool to say that it's a joke or something you can just get over. And it wasn't just a civil war or a movement of people. It was during World War I. And it was all aimed specifically at Armenians. It was aimed at a people group to get them out, whether it ment forcibly deporting them or killing them. Trukey admits to people dying, sure, but it is more than just having some people die due to a conflict. They attempted to force out a specific group of people, and to me, personally, and to many others, it is pretty clear there was some intent to just simply rid the earth of the Armenians. That's what Turkey denies: genocide.
You're full of shit. You never read Armaggedon's post nor checked out Don Corleone's links.

It was a war in which Armenians were stabbing Turks in the back, siding with the Russians. Therefore, the Ottoman Empire just acted accordingly. What should they have done?

Genocide? Don't be silly. The Ottoman Empire ruled not only the Armenians, Arabs, Greeks, Northern African countries, and pretty much any other surrouding area for like 600+ years. Genocide? Had they wanted to do it, they would have fucking erased all Armenians centuries ago.

As for SOAD, they suck ass. Their so-called, bubble-gum lyrics are pathetic and only taken seriously by ignorant fucktards who couldn't even find Armenia on the world atlas.
How about celebrating the fact that they represent one of the few cultures on earth with an unbroken history dating to before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth? Armenia, Greece, China, Persia, India - THAT'S IT.

God, I hate whiners.

Hehehe. JUst to be a whiner, Ireland should be on that list of yours. The megalithic tombs, the one in Newgrange in particular pre-date the pyramids by a few hundred years. :p :p
Interesting issue. Like all terrible events that have happened in the past (not taking either side here on this particular issue), we as humans unfortunately can only learn from our mistakes and do everything in our power to prevent war and genocide from occuring again.
I just love how western countries educate their youth about the whole genocide thing ( Armenie, Jews) to " never forget" or that it won't happen again.

Well guess what ?

It s happening again.

Rwanda, Yougoslavia, Darfour, Tchetchenia ...

I saw a documentary with Bernard Kouchner (famous french Nato ambassador) who was at the forefront of the Rwanda crisis in 1994.
He said in that documentary (with tears in his eyes) that he knew, understood why the allies didn't stop the jewish genocide in 1943, 1944 and why the Rwanda genocide couldn't be stopped either.
He said that he had Clinton, Mitterand and all the leaders of the so called "enlightened " world on the phone who promised that they would dosomething about the Rwanda situation.
Kourchner learned later that CLinton did ZERO conference with his staff about this and just ignored it and moved on as all the other leaders.
Sad fact : if there is nothing to gain in return, nobody will move their ass ... From Kouchner attitude, he was saying also that the suffering which is far from us doesn't concern us that much in the end ... He called the major leaders " bastards" for the Rwanda tragedy even if he had a profound respect for all these leaders.

So why the descendants of all the genocides waste their time so that their suffering is recognized instead of preventing the current or oncomming ones ?

Last time I checked, the preaching on "remembering" past genocides did nothing to prevent other genocides.

It s just the competition of " My Kind Suffered more than You, pity me NOW."

Stay Hair Metal !
for the israeli's on here: israel denies the armenian genocide ... how hypocrite can they be?

on the ancient cultures stuff: greeks nowadays have nothing in common with ancient greeks, irish people nowadays have nothing in common with those prehistoric structures, ...

the armenian genocide: the turks were very well aware that the armenians wanted their own country (as did all the rest). the armenians were neighbours as they lived in eastern anatolia (still do for a part) and them getting their own country would mean that an eventual turkey after the war (which the turks were already aware of as well) would be much smaller than they would want to. so they motivated the kurds to slaughter the armenians! ... for the simple reason that they wouldn't exist anymore to claim their own country! ... if that isn't genocide, what is? and the scale also means it is a holocaust, with 1,5 million people!
it is illustrating that today the turks (and other nations) are doing everything they can to stop the kurds on their turn. because soon after the armenian genocide, they started claiming their own country as well. there have been many slaughters of kurds as well. and turkey is using every mean possible today to surpress the kurds!

as for that neo-nazi on here: the mere fact that most of your kind has to deny the jewish Holocaust to make your ideology more acceptable is proof of how horrible it is. you are sad little people that can't believe such a massive slaughtering took place, so you deny it. but oh well, can't discuss with you people.
for the israeli's on here: israel denies the armenian genocide ... how hypocrite can they be?

on the ancient cultures stuff: greeks nowadays have nothing in common with ancient greeks, irish people nowadays have nothing in common with those prehistoric structures, ...

the armenian genocide: the turks were very well aware that the armenians wanted their own country (as did all the rest). the armenians were neighbours as they lived in eastern anatolia (still do for a part) and them getting their own country would mean that an eventual turkey after the war (which the turks were already aware of as well) would be much smaller than they would want to. so they motivated the kurds to slaughter the armenians! ... for the simple reason that they wouldn't exist anymore to claim their own country! ... if that isn't genocide, what is? and the scale also means it is a holocaust, with 1,5 million people!
it is illustrating that today the turks (and other nations) are doing everything they can to stop the kurds on their turn. because soon after the armenian genocide, they started claiming their own country as well. there have been many slaughters of kurds as well. and turkey is using every mean possible today to surpress the kurds!

im sure israelis know better than a belgian what is genocide and what isnt.

shit, when did these young europeans become such (pseudo-)experts on the armenian genocide topic? hmm let me guess...since their governments forbade them from speaking against it? :erk:
Personally i think we should be reminded of genocides of the past so that they dont happen again. We keep track of history for a reason so that we can learn from the mistakes from the past. i would also like to say that the their self titled debut is a very heavy album and songs like sugar P.L.U.C.K Cubert Ddevil War? suite pee know suggestions spiders and soil are all amazing songs their second album is pretty good as well but it isnt as heavy as their first those who know the system of a down of today should check out their debut people would be surprised by how different it is. it isnt commercial at all. The new system of a down albums are all right (nothing special they are hated because 13 years olds love em up) but they dont hold a candle to older releases i also sorta hate them in a way becauses the fault of those albums that system of a down lost alot of respect.